7 Best Chart Libraries for React Native

Thomas Sentre
6 min readJul 9, 2023


Photo by Luke Chesser on Unsplash

When it comes to building robust and visually appealing mobile applications with React Native, data visualization is often a key component. Charts and graphs provide a powerful way to present complex information in a concise and understandable manner. Fortunately, the React Native ecosystem offers a variety of chart libraries that can help developers seamlessly integrate stunning visualizations into their applications.

In this article, we will explore seven best chart libraries for React Native. Whether you are looking to display simple line charts, intricate pie charts, or interactive bar graphs, these libraries provide the necessary tools and components to bring your data to life.

1. react-native-svg

react-native-svg, a versatile charting library for React Native, offers comprehensive SVG chart support for both iOS and Android devices, while also providing a compatibility layer for the web. With react-native-svg as a dependency, you can effortlessly render visually appealing graphs and charts within your React Native applications. Under the hood, react-native-svg leverages the powerful D3.js library, enabling the creation of SVG paths and accurate coordinate calculations.

What initially began as a side project has now evolved into a feature-rich library supporting a wide range of chart patterns as ready-to-use components. Let’s explore the available chart patterns provided by react-native-svg, each offering unique visualization capabilities:

  • Area: The Area component allows you to create area charts, which are effective for illustrating trends and comparing data series.
  • StackedAreaChart: This component enables the creation of stacked area charts, where multiple data series are stacked on top of each other, showcasing their cumulative contribution.
  • Bar: The Bar component facilitates the creation of bar charts, which are widely used for comparing discrete categories and their corresponding values.
  • StackedBarChart: With the StackedBarChart component, you can create stacked bar charts, providing a visual representation of multiple data series stacked on top of each other.
  • Line: The Line component is perfect for generating line charts, ideal for showcasing continuous data trends and variations.
  • Pie: Pie charts are popular for displaying proportions and percentages. The Pie component allows you to create visually appealing pie charts with customizable slices.
  • Progress Circle: This component lets you create progress circles, which are excellent for illustrating progress, completion percentages, or any other value within a circular shape.
  • YAxis: The YAxis component provides a vertical axis for your charts, enabling you to display and customize the vertical scale and labels.
  • XAxis: The XAxis component adds a horizontal axis to your charts, facilitating the customization of the horizontal scale and labels.

2. react-native-chart-kit

I often find myself turning to the react-native-chart-kit library when I’m pressed for time and need to quickly implement visually appealing charts without compromising on design quality. This powerful library offers a wide range of charting options that come with pre-designed templates, saving valuable development time and effort.

3. react-native-pie-chart

The react-native-pie-chart library is a straightforward and efficient solution for creating visually appealing pie charts in React Native applications. With its user-friendly API and intuitive configuration options, you can effortlessly showcase data proportions and distributions.

Using react-native-pie-chart, you can easily define slices for each category or data point, specifying the corresponding proportions. The library provides customization options to style the slices with different colors, allowing for clear differentiation between categories. Additionally, labels can be added to the slices to display the corresponding percentages or values, enhancing the readability of the chart.

One of the key advantages of react-native-pie-chart is its simplicity. The library offers a concise and focused set of features specifically designed for pie charts.

4. Victory

Victory is a user-friendly charting library designed for React Native, offering a simple yet powerful solution for creating interactive and visually appealing data visualizations. With its intuitive API and customizable features, Victory simplifies the process of incorporating charts into your React Native applications.

Victory provides a variety of chart types, including line charts, bar charts, scatter plots, and more. These chart types cover a wide range of use cases, making it easy to represent data in different formats. For example, you can use Victory’s line chart to track stock prices over time or the bar chart to compare sales figures across different product categories.

The library also offers interactive features like tooltips and zooming, enhancing user engagement and enabling data exploration. With Victory, you can easily customize chart elements such as colors, labels, and axes to match your application’s design and branding.

Here’s a simple example of using Victory to create a line chart in a React Native application:

import React from 'react';
import { View } from 'react-native';
import { VictoryChart, VictoryLine } from 'victory-native';

const App = () => {
const data = [
{ x: 1, y: 2 },
{ x: 2, y: 3 },
{ x: 3, y: 5 },
{ x: 4, y: 4 },
{ x: 5, y: 6 },

return (
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<VictoryLine data={data} />

export default App;

In this example, we import the VictoryChart and VictoryLine components from Victory and pass the data points to the VictoryLine component. This renders a basic line chart displaying the provided data points.


Looking to represent stock data in the form of charts within your React Native application? CLCchart is a specialized library that simplifies the process of visualizing stock data through interactive and visually appealing charts. With its dedicated focus on stock data representation, CLCchart is an ideal choice for traders and developers alike.


If you’re looking for a straightforward and user-friendly solution to create charts in your React Native application, react-native-gifted-charts is the perfect choice. This library simplifies chart generation with its intuitive API and offers a variety of chart types, including line charts, bar charts, and pie charts. With interactive features like tooltips, zooming, and scrolling, users can engage with the charts and explore the data. react-native-gifted-charts also provides customization options, allowing you to customize colors, labels, and fonts to match your application’s design. The charts created with react-native-gifted-charts are responsive and scalable, ensuring a consistent visual experience across different device screens.


For simplified and easy-to-use line chart creation in your React Native application, react-native-responsive-linechart is the ideal choice. With its intuitive API and minimal setup, this library allows developers to quickly integrate responsive line charts into their projects.

With react-native-responsive-linechart, the line charts automatically adapt to different screen sizes and orientations. This responsive design ensures that the charts maintain their visual integrity and provide an optimal viewing experience across various devices.

The library’s simplicity and focus on responsiveness make it a valuable tool for developers who need to create visually appealing and adaptable line charts without the complexity of extensive configuration. With react-native-responsive-linechart, you can seamlessly incorporate line charts into your React Native application, showcasing data trends and patterns in a user-friendly and visually compelling manner.


The availability of specialized chart libraries such as react-native-svg, react-native-chart-kit, react-native-pie-chart, Victory, CLCchart, and react-native-gifted-charts simplifies the process of incorporating visually appealing and interactive charts into React Native applications. When choosing the best chart library for your project, consider factors such as supported chart types, customization options, interactivity, responsiveness, and compatibility with your design. Experiment with different libraries and evaluate their usability to make an informed decision.



Thomas Sentre

Software Developer | Content Creator | Cloud Enthusiast