How To Make A “Bad” Hero Work | AFK Arena [Guide]

Thomas Simmons
4 min readAug 17, 2020



In this way, you all know the “meta” groups; that is, arrangements that are more famous than others for their proficiency, simplicity of building, or on the grounds that they are advertised more. These are the groups that you see being utilized a great deal in crusade, PvP, and King’s Tower a ton. Assume an early game player solicits what kind from group they should take a stab at working over the long haul. All things considered, they will most likely be replied with something very similar: form LBs (Lightbearers) or Wilders, at that point work to acquire the OP “whale comp” (Rowan, Talene, Ezizh, Mehira, Twins) on the grounds that these are time tested developments.

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However, actually, I lean toward playing the game my direction. I need to have a ton of fun playing the legends I like, with the thinking of “this is a game, is there any good reason why i shouldn’t have some good times playing it?” And generally, that is the manner by which I played in the hours of Shemira not being the best thing ever. I practically never utilized the well known LB saints outside of group tower or if Warek existed, and the ones I used were the ones I preferred, similar to Rowan and Rosaline. (That is not preventing me from taking a shot at getting the Lucius skin however, I love that thing!)

You’re most likely reasoning, “Kyle, why the hell would you utilize such an awful legend? Even better, HOW!?” Well, that is the place we at last get to the meat of this; How did I make the “most noticeably terrible” saint in the game look so great? All things considered, here are the three stages I’ve used to refine my Rigby comp throughout the months of my utilizing him:

Know their qualities and make sense of how to expand on them

Know their shortcomings and make sense of how to cover them

Fabricate a group around them that can work with the qualities and shortcomings of the saint

I’m going to take Rigby for instance since well, you better trust I’ve taken in a couple of things about him. Along these lines, here are a portion of his qualities that I’ve found:


He can tank and assault actually rapidly with his “Tipsy Frenzy” capacity

He can do enormous AoE harm and dazes on account of his ult and SI (signature thing)

Now and again he can move of an assault on account of the amount he moves with his ult.

His ult can bargain consistent harm, and the clock for the DOT (harm after some time) resets each time an adversary is hit with Rigby’s ult

On account of his inactive capacity, wellsprings of mending like Rowan’s mixtures recuperate far more than ordinary.

That isn’t an excessive amount to work with, but on the other hand it’s certainly superior to nothing. In any case, he has a few shortcomings too, and they’re kinda powerful (like the garbage sack brand, not supported):


While his harm and tankiness are decent once he gets set up, the arrangement sets aside some effort to work and isn’t changeless. On the off chance that he doesn’t have a few lager stacks, at that point he’s going to kick the bucket actually rapidly.

He’s entirely powerless to CC (swarm control) and skirmish harm since he needs to get in near his adversaries and has no insurance to CC (you’d think he’d be unaffected by dozing and comparable when he’s beered up however whatever).

The sweep of his AoE assaults is somewhat little contrasted with saints like Belinda and Safiya, and your foes won’t be assembled up intermittently.

His self-mending capacity is somewhat powerless since it doesn’t work until after your harm decrease wears off.

He doesn’t offer a lot of help to his group. Indeed, there’s some CC and harm, however nothing in the method of straightforwardly helping partners.

With shortcomings like that, how might he be able to suitably be utilized? Indeed, luckily, this game has a huge amount of saints that can do various things, and they can support the qualities and shortcomings of pretty much anybody. For some odd reason the saints that help Rigby are themselves great.

Thus, I didn’t utilize a LB comp after part 26. I seldom ever use Wilders (my Eironn is still at E+, which I lament for group tower). Nah, my group was pretty much fixated on Rigby, who is at present considered about the most noticeably awful legend in the game. What’s more, I’m in section 29, running a 60 level shortfall, which allowed isn’t as noteworthy as what Wilders can do yet whatever.



Thomas Simmons

Thomas Simmons is a 30-year-old lawyer who enjoys eating out. He is kind and generous, He grew up in a working class neighbourhood. AFK Arena Tier List