Thom Steinhoff
1 min readJan 20, 2020


Haha, true, with one cavitate: it wasn’t until I arrived at these conclusions was inspired to buy the stock. I’m just presenting my research and conclusions and saying that I am convinced enough in these insights that it drove me to purchase the stock instead of the car itself.

But to compare my words to Bitcoin hypers? I don’t think that’s fair. I would say that 99% of the people who hyped Bitcoin and likely made a killing on Bitcoin, had no real idea of how mining or the transactions actually work.

Bitcoin hypers were literally “hyping the hype”.

As for making money on Bitcoin — don’t get me started. I evaluated it deeply very early on and decided there was no value there as a monetary instrument, “mining”, though necessary as a way to slow things down to reduce fraud, is a ridiculous (though geniously named) concept. I dismissed the entire thing and missed out on the boom. When I came to this conclusion, bitcoin was at around $8.

The big things I failed to consider? The complexity was sufficiently high so as to be “magic”, it had a great, empowering, freedom story and there are a lot of people looking to hide semi or completely criminal transactions or launder money.



Thom Steinhoff

CTO@KornFerry, innovator@everything, strategy@scale, creator@♥