Credit: Voice of America/Wikimedia/Thor Benson (edited)

The Republican Party Has Become the Man-Child Party

Thor Benson
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
4 min readJul 23, 2018


More and more, Republican men act like children.

It seems some sort of Benjamin Button spell has been put on the Republican Party, as we are witnessing its leaders’ slow descent into infancy. As each day passes, men who were seemingly well into their adulthood not so long ago regress further and further—and I fear that soon enough few of them will be eligible to operate a motor vehicle.

No one is surprised when Donald Trump behaves like a child, because we’ve known for some time that he is a man-child. He craves attention, he’s highly emotional, he has the humor of an angsty teen and he loves calling people puerile names. Trump is the most petulant president in the history of this country.

However, what came as a bit of a surprise to me and many others is how quickly Trump’s juvenile behavior started being mimicked by Republicans in Congress. If Trump has taught us anything, it’s how easily seemingly serious people can become profoundly idiotic. He has turned career politicians into circus freaks.

I’m assuming by now you’d like some examples of what I’m talking about. Let’s take, for instance, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Cradle). Not long ago, when we were at the peak of the net neutrality debate, the United States senator of five years tweeted the following:



Thor Benson
Extra Newsfeed

Independent journalist. Featured in The Atlantic, Wired, Rolling Stone, Vice, The Daily Beast and elsewhere. Twitter: @thor_benson