“One tweet if by land, two if by sea”

Jon D Thornton
2 min readJul 18, 2018


— Rep Steve Cohen (D TN)

Another example Monday of that other kind of “fake news” that liberal democrats refuse to acknowledge. Despite Grand Inquisitor Robert Mueller’s assertion that 12 Russian citizens who will never stand trial attempted to sway the 2016 election, President Trump chose not to publicly chastise the Russian president. I don’t know, it’s almost as if real diplomacy occurs behind closed doors rather than behind a podium, but choose what alternate facts you will.

In response to this “news,” the blatantly anti-Trump media blasted the president with all manner of unfounded accusations in support of the now debunked Collusion narrative. Elected officials then responded to the dubious claims by talking heads motivated by ratings not with scoffs and denials, but with their own condemnations of the president as if they actually believed this tripe. Are democrats and neverTrump republicans just as ignorant as the low information voters they represent?

One example is Rep Steve Cohen of Tennessee, a democrat.

Never mind the ridiculous assertion by a dem fundraiser and armchair pundit that derived “Trump just said” from a lot of words that didn’t say or imply any such thing. It should shock voters in Tennessee that their representative to US Congress piled on by calling on the military to break the law and intervene.

Now some on the pro-Trump right proclaimed that Cohen was calling for a coup, an equally ridiculous assertion. The key word being EQUALLY. Quite probably a tongue in cheek response intended to demonstrate just how stupid this Twitter thread had gotten, but I don’t know.

What really disturbs me is Rep Cohen’s response. Sure he denied calling for a military coup with a humorous comeback I quoted for the title of this article. He should have left it there.

When asked to clarify what he expected the military to do he adds this little gem of ignorance…

Sigh. For those who haven’t served in the military (or Congress) anyone serving the executive branch is prohibited from taking part in partisan political dialogue by the Hatch Act of 1939. The military is especially sensitive to this, which is partly why public perception of the military is higher than just about any other public institution.

Mr Cohen’s tweets are partly why public perception of Congress is lower than any other public institution.

