English with Lucy is offering a big NordVPN discount — here’s how to get it

Theo Derte
3 min readJul 16, 2020


The English language is one of the most popular languages on Earth, and it’s hard to get by without knowing it. Movies, video games, songs and books are frequently written or translated to English, and it’s taught in most schools nowadays. However, it was not always like this and lots of people are trying to learn English as a second language, and that’s where English with Lucy YT channel jumps in. Lucy Bella Earl will teach you all there is on this topic, but she also takes an additional step. She also recommends NordVPN for cybersecurity and offers a discount.

How to get English with Lucy NordVPN discount?

Lucy Bella Earl sincerely cares about her viewers’ privacy, and that’s the reason why she recommends NordVPN — a privacy protection software. Protecting yourself online is as essential as knowing multiple languages, so she offers a discount for the service. With her coupon code, you can get NordVPN 70% OFF, which will reduce the price to just $3.49/month for a three-year plan. You can download it from Google Play by clicking here or follow this link to get it for your iOS.

Click here to get exclusive 70% English with Lucy NordVPN discount

Why should you get NordVPN?

VPN stands for Virtual Private Network, and it’s a privacy protection oriented cybersecurity software. First of all, a VPN encrypts all your Internet traffic and reroutes it through one of its secure servers. This achieves two goals: 1) encryption ensures your browsing activities can’t be spied upon; 2) rerouting through a secured no-logs server ensures your confidential data will not leak to the wrong hands.

Furthermore, NordVPN allows you to change your original IP address, by which you can be tracked online. Which means that tracking you online via IP address is no longer possible — a big step forward towards online privacy. It also allows bypassing geographical restrictions, and a lot of VPN users enjoy that. Not only you can access social media in countries like China, Iran, Russia, but also unlock full streaming services libraries, such as Netflix or HBO.

Who exactly is English with Lucy?

English with Lucy is a huge YouTube channel that was created on January 6th, 2016. Over a few years, it gathered an astonishing number of 4.4 million subscribers, which speaks of high quality of her lessons. The lady behind the channel, Lucy Bella Earl, was born and raised in Milton Keynes, England. For a time she studied in Madrid where she learnt Italian and Spanish. She has a degree with honours in marketing communications.

Lucy is very well known as an English online teacher. However, maybe you’re okay with your English skills, and this channel is not relevant to you. Luckily, there are many more YouTube personalities to follow, and I can name at least two of them. I enjoy watching Rhykker chan to keep up with gaming news. Or if I want some history lessons, I drop by The Armchair Historian YouTube channel. Both of them are also recommending NordVPN cyber protection!

So don’t wait any longer protect yourself with NordVPN

