AI Could Save the Planet, But It Has Contributed to the Climate CrisisThis article is a translation of an original Forbes interview our co-founder Moojan Asghari, published on Forbes Brazil under the title “A…Aug 28, 2024Aug 28, 2024
Funding unicorns — The Thousand Faces Female Founders Accelerator Program“TF Accelerator is definitely a program all female founders should be applying for, its a modern and forward thinking community of…Nov 7, 2023Nov 7, 2023
The importance of financing female-led startupsThousand Faces is a community-run platform that enables female entrepreneurs to shape a sustainable economy. Support is given through an…Oct 18, 2023Oct 18, 2023
Meet our TOP 30 ambitious women selected for our Female Founders Accelerator ProgramAs we ended 2022, TechCrunch shared quite a worrying figure: “Startups with all-women teams raised only 1.9% (or around $4.5 billion) out…Jan 30, 2023Jan 30, 2023
Female Founders Program: Timeline and upcoming milestonesOur mission at Thousand Faces is to empower women by funding their most virtuous projects at early stages. That’s why we created our…Dec 27, 2022Dec 27, 2022
Thousand Faces— Our story“ Invest in Art. Invest in Women. Invest in the Planet.”Oct 25, 2022Oct 25, 2022