Female Founders Program: Timeline and upcoming milestones

Thousand Faces
4 min readDec 27, 2022


Our mission at Thousand Faces is to empower women by funding their most virtuous projects at early stages. That’s why we created our “Female Founders program”. A 3-month acceleration program unlike any other. Not only do we bring a group of experts in different fields as part of the core curriculum, but we also tailor the program to the needs of the female founders. It is a program for female founders, by female founders. Many of you answered our call and we had the honor to receive 222 applications from 76 countries!

The criteria to benefit from our support are, of course, to be a womxn entrepreneur (identified as a woman), to have an early-stage project and a strong economic, societal, or environmental impact that includes at least 2 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) set by the United Nations.

We received 111 Eligible Candidates!

More information: United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals

The first two months consist of group sessions: 2–3 per week taught by experts in the business field (Founding Members of Thousand Faces). These classes are based on the core curriculum of the program: creating a successful business plan, building a team, leadership, creating a sustainable business, marketing and sales, branding, product, finance, fundraising, and legal support.

Among these topics, some will be emphasized further based on the needs of the founders. The goal of these sessions is to provide a solid business foundation for the participants who are about to launch their businesses. At the end of the first two months, all founders should have a solid business and personal foundation to build and grow their businesses.

Here is a comprehensive breakdown of the upcoming steps of our program:

  • DECEMBER 12th — JANUARY 15th: This is the evaluation phase where the TOP30 projects will be selected through a combination of a board of jury and community voting, in order to enter the acceleration program. Out of the 30 places in the program, 25 projects will be selected by our jury of experts from our Founding Members. In order to give a chance to our community to have the right to choose their favorite projects, we decided to give 5 seats to the community vote. These 5 weeks will thus represent an exciting challenge for the candidates to spread the word about their nomination as eligible projects and invite the community to vote for them.
  • JANUARY 15th: The 30 top projects will be announced.
  • JANUARY 23rd: Allowlist mint will open.
  • JANUARY 16th — MARCH 5th: Phase 1 of the program (group program): weekly pitch session, business-related workshops, and updates from projects to the community.
  • MARCH 6th & 7th: All 30 projects will pitch in two groups in front of the jury, and the TOP 10 will be selected for the final pitch.
  • MARCH 8th: On Women’s day we will hold a Demo Day for the top 10 projects to perform a live pitch in front of the jury and the top 5 projects will be selected to move on to the third month of the program. The top 3 will be selected by the jury, and the last 2 seats will include the NFT token holders' vote. The weight of the vote of the NFT holders will have a 1:3 ratio of that of the jury.
  • MARCH 8 — APRIL 7: 1-o-1 mentoring program. We will set up strong communication campaigns around the 5 finalist projects during this period with interviews, posts on social networks, interviews and PR campaigns and provide them with personalized support on their respective projects.
  • APRIL 7th: Awards ceremony: The top 5 projects will receive prizes, which will be a mix of cash and in-kind items. The top three projects will receive between 10,000 and 50,000 euros in grants.

The jury will be composed of the Founding Members of Thousand Faces, a board of men and women from the Web2 and Web3 world, strongly committed to our cause of financial and gender justice. Our lucky winners will enjoy the following exclusive benefits:

  • Grants: equity-free funding (€10K-€50K)
  • Mentoring from our experts and Founding Members
  • Web3 education
  • Tailor-made advice and tips from our legal partner for fundraising and legal aspects
  • Brand awareness: promotion and PR
  • An interview on Thousand Voices Podcast show
  • Connection with investors to raise next rounds

At Thousand Faces, we also believe that launching a business requires more than just business knowledge. It’s about the people behind it. Their emotional, mental, and physical health is crucial to their long-term success. That’s why in addition to the business classes taught by our experts, this program offers a once-a-week wellness session. These wellness sessions will be given by experts on different topics ranging from mindfulness to emotional intelligence, stress management, burnout prevention, and meditation. We want to offer women founders a comprehensive experience and provide them with the tools and support they need to feel confident in launching their projects. In addition, we will host networking and peer-to-peer sessions to help participants find mutual and community support.

This program is the culmination of our mission to empower women, to give them the means to achieve their boldest ambitions, and to help them build a better world through their amazing projects. We can’t wait to get started and this is only the beginning.

Let’s connect! Join us now on Discord and get allowlisted here.

The Thousand Faces team 💜



Thousand Faces

Thousand Faces is on the mission to bring financial justice to womxn around the world and finance impact-driven female founders.