Author Interview — Reyna Young

Reyna Young — Horror writer and award-winning director and actress.

Lee Pletzers
5 min readMay 10, 2023
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1. Tell us about you and your writing, be it novels, screenplays, or non-fiction. Do you have a book coming out or already released?

I have several books out right now and more on the way. My kid’s book series, Monsters has its 12th book coming out through Black Bed Sheet Books. I have the Scream in the Night Anthology Book series being edited at this time for Volume 3 and my newest book, Slasher Girl was released last year. Right now I am gearing up for the My Monsters spin-off series called Monsters Unleashed. As well as having several books in the works but can’t say anything yet about them.

2. What is the first book that hit you emotionally?

The first book I ever read by Stephen King was Misery and the reason why that hit me emotionally is because that book became the reason why I knew I wanted to really be a writer. Before that I wrote short stories and loved Goosebumps and Edgar Allan Poe and knew I wanted to someday write for a living. But it wasn’t until I read Misery that it truly hit me that I wanted to write.

3. What is your writing Kryptonite?

With all the projects I have going on at once, I can get easily distracted so I have to say doing too much at one time can easily sidetrack me from my writing.

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4. Have you ever gotten reader’s block?

There are times when I want to read and I can’t. It’s hard to explain, it’s like I have to be in the mood, really in the mood to read to pick up a book. Even though I do get into weird not wanting to read moods, I do try to read at least three books a month. I have a pile of soon-to-be-read books that keep on multiplying. But yes, it’s a real thing where I don’t feel like reading sometimes, it’s weird but it happens.

5. Do you write under your real name or a pseudonym? If pseudonym — why? Was there a specific reason?

I do write under my name but I am gearing up on releasing my first book by Miss Misery (My Horror Host Persona) so she wrote it, not me. LOL — But I have to say it was fun writing it as her and would love to do it again. It felt like I was getting out of my own head and just letting her take the reins, hard to explain but it’s always fun being someone else once in a while.

6. What would it be if you could tell your younger writing self, anything?

I would tell her not to listen to everyone else, do what you want, and don’t waste your time on those who never believed in you. I believe my younger self would thank me later.

7. What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?

I take mini vacations with the money I make. I go to conventions and take a small break when I can to refresh. I love to travel.

8. What authors did you dislike at first but grew into?

Hmmm… I can’t say I’ve disliked any authors, actually. So far I haven’t run into that.

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9. What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

I feel like Shirley Jackson doesn’t get enough love. I could be wrong but I feel like Haunting of Hill House doesn’t get the praise it should. You always hear about male Authors but for Females, I feel like there’s not enough talking going on about them. Again; I could be wrong but that’s how I feel.

10. How many unfinished and half-finished books do you have?

I have about three of four unfinished books I need to get back to, but I will soon, I swear. Plus, I have a notebook filled with book ideas I want to get to as well. I am so busy with my other projects I try to balance everything I can.

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11. How many hours a day do you write?

I try to write at least five hours a day, I like to write at night, when it’s nice and quiet and everyone’s asleep. I do write during the day if I have time to, but balancing everything else plus a 5-year-old can be tough.

12. What one thing would you give up to become a better writer?

I’m not sure, I can’t think of anything I would want to give up. I believe writing and reading a lot will help anyone become a better writer, I guess if I had to choose though I would give up my favorite burrito spot. LOL

13. Do you believe in writer’s block?

I do believe in writer’s block, I believe that one can overthink and defeat themselves which turns into writer’s block and it can last you a while. It has happened to me, so I know.

Thank you, for taking the time to answer my questions. Below are some links you should click:



Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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Lee Pletzers

Award winning New Zealand horror and thriller author. 7 novels (2 with a publisher), 76 shorts in mags. Support me - get free book: