How to create 10,000 units of 2D or 3D NFT at once? “An Extreme Comparison”

11 min readAug 12, 2022


Adopting a new technology

“Most of the time, making people forget a technology they are used to is much more challenging than adopting a new technology.” Alper Akalın

People always like to compare new things with their habits or evaluate them based on their experiences. For example, you tell them about entirely new and different technology. They always compare you with some known technologies or products. Immediately they question your technology features. “That product has this feature. Do you have the same feature?” Now, you and your product will be evaluated according to your answer.

Sometimes, we find it difficult to understand how some people see technologies. They seem like a follower, not an ordinary user. For example, they can say, “I saw some brilliant feature in a video”, and they may ask if you have this feature. Probably that project or product doesn’t exist, and that video is just a projection video prepared with after effect. :) Guys, we meet tons of that kind of customer.

Perhaps, you are talking about a completely different technology, a different methodology. Maybe you’re proposing wholly different and even more advanced technology. However, you will see that they focus on evaluating you on some keywords instead of trying to understand you. Sometimes they try to manipulate you to develop those keywords relate features.

As a result of a meeting we held recently, we decided that we should explain some points in detail in the outcome of similar questions. The questions or problems we encounter in these meetings give clues about how we should present ourselves. In other words, experiencing minor conflicts and disagreements are very valuable to us during these meetings. We learn many things from them. The question was at that meeting:

“Can Threefy modify a single 3D model to automatically generate 10,000 unique 3D NFTs?”

Let’s try to answer this question with different variations and within a particular flow. In our previous article, we talked about the differences between 2D, Fake 3D and Real 3D. Before continuing with this article, we strongly recommend that you read that article from the link below.

What is the difference between 2D, Fake 3D and Actual 3D Assets?

How to create a single 2D, Fake 3D or Real 3D NFT?

2D NFT Creation

They are NFTs produced from 2D photos, images, gifs or videos that anyone can quickly create. These NFTs will be minted using the image and metadata.

Fake 3D NFT Creation

These 3D NFTs create from some pre-designed and pre-rendered 3D scenes by exporting them. These NFTs will be minted using the image and metadata. Although the production method of these NFTs is slightly different, they are precisely the same as 2D NFTs in terms of their purpose and use.

Real 3D NFT Creation

These NFTs are produced directly from 3D designed and rendered scenes themselves. They are minted using the 3D scene and metadata. Alright…

  1. What will the file size of this 3D NFT be?
  2. Where will this 3D NFT be stored?
  3. Where will this 3D NFT be shown to collectors, and how will it be sold?
  4. Will this 3D NFT always be available?

Everyone believes that designing 3D scenes is a kind of rocket science. If creating a 3D scene is rocket science.

1.What kind of science would it take to keep this 3D scene as quickly and always accessible as a jpeg/png image?

2.What kind of science is needed to create a 3D scene that has “XR & AR & Interactive” features at once? Are you sure that is not The Magic?

This list of questions could be quite long. Please don’t worry. Threedfy has an answer and a solution for all inquiries.

How to create 10,000 2D, Fake 3D or Real 3D NFTs?

10,000 units 2D or Fake 3D NFT Creation

While there are some differences in the creation processes, the NFT rendering processes are the same after creating a 2D and Fake 3D image. You can find hundreds of articles and videos explaining how to create 10,000 NFT. However, for a healthy article flow, let’s discuss it briefly.

Hipster NFT Layers

Let’s say we want to create a 10,000 NFT collection using a hipster character like the one above. Using the variations of the assets you see in the image, we can create unique hipsters in different colour ranges. Here are 10 thousand NFTs for you.

First, the particles above are created as a layer. Then, using a tool like HashLips, 10,000 different NFTs are generated. You can see a pretty good explanation in the video below.

Source: HashLips NFT

You can create an unlimited number of artefacts with unique features by repeatedly using these types of assets. This method generates new images by randomly positioning the existing layers. For example, in the first version, the hipster can be with glasses, in the second one without glasses, in the third, the background can be blue, and in the fourth, the background is dark blue.

Everything gets a little more complex when you jump into the 3D asset design world.

10,000 units of Real 3D NFT Creation in the Traditional World

With some internet research, you can see that automatic changes can be made on 3D scenes with several tools. One of them is a plugin/extension written for Blender. People with coding knowledge can download this extension and use it with Blender.

After importing your 3D models to Blender and making the necessary software configurations, it is ensured that the 3D models are randomly placed in different locations. As a result of this placement, rare or unique 3D scenes are obtained.

  • It should be noted that the person who will use this Tool needs some coding knowledge.
  • The Tool name is not shared because of professional courtesy and legal concerns.
  • We don’t have any negative criticism or comments for the Tool and its author.
  • This article only mentions existing methods as examples.
  • Since we focus on modifying the 3D model, we accept that all tools can change the scene light, colour, texture, background or environmental properties.

People who see similar solutions and are interested in the subject will naturally question whether you have a similar solution. The degree of difficulty and the answer varies depending on how these questions are asked. Suppose this question is asked in two different ways.

Question 1

Can you create 10,000 NFTs by changing attributes such as position, angle or size of 3D models placed in a 3D scene?

Answer 1

In Question 1, no change is requested on the model. Random and automatic modifications are only required for the model’s position, angle and size on the scene. + The number of models here can be more than one.

  • Threedfy supports such changes without writing any code. (Zero Code)
  • Other applications support such changes; you need to type some code.
Rage Of Titans Assassin Character in Arsuite Designer Studio

Question 2

Can you create 10,000 NFTs by modifying directly the 3D models placed in a 3D scene?

Answer 2

In Question 2, a random and automatic change on the model is requested. In other words, it is desired to change the model’s components. Some small programs or plugins must be written to make a random and automatic change on the 3D model.

  • For clarity, only one 3D model will be discussed here. So we have only one model on the stage, and we want to change it to automatic and unique.
  • Threedfy does not support random and automatic changes to the model’s cat as it will cause more significant problems. (We’ll explain below.)
  • We do not know how much support the licensed 3D modelling tools provide, but you can write a plugin for Blender and make random and automatic changes on the 3D model. Let’s go into some detail. We will also explain why Threedfy does not support making changes to the 3D model itself.
Manual changes for the environtment

Let’s say we have a 3D model of a car like in the video above. We want to make automatic changes in this car in two ways, completely random and preselected random.

Completely Randomise

No need to explain too long. The 3D model, which is completely randomly and automatically changed, may lose its natural car form after a few versions and turn into an obscure or strange shape.

Preselected Randomise

In this option, some other sub-3D models are assigned to matched parts of the main 3D models with the same properties. Then, the application is expected to create different 3D models that are randomly unique.

For example, different designs are made for the rims and exhaust of the car, and they are matched with the rim and exhaust in the car. The application generates new and unique 3D models with different variations of the matching parts.

Somebody can develop a plugin or extension for Blender. Someone can build an application from scratch. Then 10,000 NFTs can be created through this application.

Most likely, some AI development will be required for Preselected Random 3D NFT generation. Because not only will the 3D model and its parts match correctly, but also many extra parameters such as angle and size will need to be calculated.

Most probably, re-generating 10,000 unique 3D models will not be possible in the Preselected Random 3D NFT production methodology with a few parts changes because the math will not allow that. Still, we can create too many 3D sub-model variations so the application can create 10,000 unique NFTs. We’re pretty sure no one won’t want to do that either. At this moment, we have a Mexican standoff.

What to do under these conditions is actually quite simple. We can generate 10,000 unique 3D NFTs by using a single 3D model, a few sub-3D model and scene (color + light + position + environment) modifies.

  • So will these NFTs be real 3D or just 2D jpeg/png/gif images?
  • How will these 3D NFTs be presented or published to collectors if they are real 3D NFTs?

The most significant point is: “Are the randomly created 3D scenes presented to people as a real 3D NFT or 2D NFT?” Unfortunately, these are offered as 2D images. Please read our Real 3D or Fake 3D article.

Manual changes for the color

10,000 units Real 3D NFT Creation in Threedfy

Threedfy does not support 3D model change due to technical problems and does not find it very necessary, but it does support scene (colour + light + position + environment etc.) change.

NFT artists or creators design several versions of a 3D model and upload them to Threedfy. By changing hundreds of parameters such as colour + light + position + environment, Threedfy generates 10,000 or 100,000 real, unique, authentic, interactive, 3D, Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (XR) featured NFTs for each different version at once. Then, Threedfy broadcasts them to the whole globe instantly. That is The Magic.

High-Risk Warning!

We also have a few questions for you all at our technology level. Let’s find answers to these questions. Thus, we believe that we can offer you more information about us and a different perspective. Since we will describe extreme situations, we will go through some extreme examples.

Rendered 2.7 million polygons 3D model of Aston Martin

Let’s say we create a scene consisting of 2.7 million polygons 3D model + 4K HDRI Skybox + 2K/4K texture. With these components, we will create a scene like the above image. In the screenshots below, you can see the dimensions of the components in this scene as FBX, OBJ, Texture and HDRI.

Screenshot of material folders

FBX Model

  • 3D model 118 MB, 2.7 million
  • Textures, 136 MB
  • HDRI Skybox, 20 MB
  • Total, 271 MB

OBJ Model

  • 3D model 445 MB, 2.7 million
  • Textures, 136 MB
  • HDRI Skybox, 20 MB
  • Total, 590 MB

If we upload the above yellow Aston Martin as FBX in any 3D design tool or game engine on the market, the size of the unrendered scene will exceed 270 MB, and if we upload it as OBJ, the unrendered scene size will exceed 590 MB.

If we render such a scene, the size of the rendered 3D scene will reach up to 1.2–1.5 GB. Are you going to say that there is no optimization in those engines? Those numbers are after optimization.

The results obtained by reducing the model, texture and render quality are not optimized. That means just shitting on the 3D scene quality.

  1. What if the NFT artist wanted to create 10,000 NFTs based on this model?
  2. Who and how will the disk and network load be managed only in such a collection (10,000 x 1.5 GB = 15 TB)?
  3. Where and how will the end-user or NFT collector view such a scene?
  4. How will the end-user or NFT collector buy such a scene?
  5. How will the end-user or NFT collector show such a scene to others?

This list of questions could get longer. Since the design tools on the market cannot answer these questions, many people believe that such an advanced and 3D (AR/XR) visualization can only be achieved at 5G or 6G connection speeds.


Please click the link below to review before continuing to read.

Aston Marting DBX 3D Scene Link

Arsuite ARSX Model & Data Driven Engine Family

  • 3D model 65 MB, 2.7 million
  • Textures, 34 MB
  • HDRI Skybox, 6.5 MB
  • Total, 105 MB

The size of the final scene rendered with the ARSX 3D file format and Arsuite Data Driven Engine is 105 MB. We can work with a file size approximately 12–15 times smaller than our competitors.

  1. You don’t need to wait for new technologies like 5G/6G for immersive and photorealistic 3D (AR/XR) experiences.
  2. When the 3D scene design is finished, the scene will instantly be shared with the whole globe.
  3. The 3D scene can run on all web and mobile browsers without any plugins or extensions.
  4. When you want to create 10,000 unique 3D NFTs from this 65 MB model, you do not need storage like (65 x 10,000 = 650,000 MB or 650 GB).
  5. You can create 100,000 3D NFTs, not 10,000, using a single 3D model repeatedly.

As the Arsuite and Threedfy family, we have no negative thoughts about technological comparison or questioning. We believe that these queries and benchmarks help us improve in a good way. In this lengthy article, we tried to emphasize how we differentiated from other platforms and that valuation should be based on the main benefit, not a feature.

As Arsuite and Threedfy, we have many more ways to develop many functions and features.

Threedfy offers you all this magic with the support of Arsuite Data Driven Engine Family and Arsuite Dynamic Asset Loading Technologies. Let’s talk about Data Driven Engine in our following article.

The Threedfy Team




The Immersive Omniverse experiences powered by the next-generation photorealistic placeable, wearable and printable “3D, XR, AR, VR” NFT contents.