Make sure these 5 Indian Superfoods are on your plate in 2–0–1–8

Thriive Art & Soul
3 min readNov 5, 2019


by Sonia Rao

Your newsfeed might be full of ‘superfoods’ like acai berry, chia seeds and what-not, from around the world, each one promising a fitter body and a happier life if you consume them. But it’s actually better to think global but eat local. India is blessed with nutrition-dense, healthy foods, so make sure you’ve got them on your plate in 2–0–1–8.

1) Buckwheat aka Kuttu: Vegetarians, rejoice! Here’s your alternative to egg white — containing 8 amino acids with magnesium and potassium. No wheat, only buckwheat! (for you, gluten-intolerants). Buy it here:

2) Lotus Seeds aka Makhana: Rockstar of snackfood. Dry-roasted, it makes a nice, low-cal, crave-buster. Can be added to curries and desserts for the added oomph. We get ours from here:

3) Indian Gooseberry aka Amla: School days are memories of amla bits eaten with a mix of salt and red chili powder. It was the Vit. C in it that boosted our immune systems and now that they are older (slightly, hehehe) it helps us in our weightloss and anti-aging efforts. What’s not to like! Get it here:

4) Drumstick Tree aka Moringa: Gifting flowers takes on a whole new meaning with morings flowers. A rich source of antioxidants, proteins and calcium, it can be eaten fried, roasted, curried or ‘raita’-ed. Yes, even as a tea. Buy it here:

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5) Indian Basil Seeds aka Sabja: They’ve got the cools! Soak them in water and see them fluff up into powerballs of vitamins and iron. Add them to your fave cold drink (we love khus) to relieve constipation and bloating. Get them at:

Originally published at

