Thrive Public Sale Instructions

3 min readFeb 28, 2018


Here we are. As our community knows, date for Thrive public sale is set on March 10th 2018, 2:00PM UTC. Sale will stay open until April 05th 2018, 2:00PM UTC.

To participate in Public Sale there’s NO WHITELIST, and KYC is not necessary due to the individual cap.

For all those who already filled KYC form, it will be checked only if the contribution exceeds 3 ETH.

Bonus Structure

Bonus will be lowered by time, and it is available for all contributors until the hard cap is reached.

Individual cap

In order to grant to all our huge community the possibility to contribute in Thrive’s Public Sale and considering the high number of registrations we decided to set an individual cap.

Individual cap for Public Sale is 3 ETH. Please don’t exceed this limit.

How to participate:

New purchasers, sign up at the official page:

Registered purchasers, login at the official page:

There are a lot of phishing attacks happening with fake websites and links that have visually similar names to

Be sure to triple check any links and watch out for typos. Thrive is not responsible for funds sent to incorrect addresses or via incorrect websites or pages.

Choose the currency you want to use for your transaction. You can choose among ETH, BTC and LTC.

Our calculator shows you the exact tokens amount you will receive with your contribution. Remember that the number of tokens you will see in your dashboard after the transaction could be slightly different from the one seen on the calculator as exchange rate is calculated according to the exact ETH/BTC/LTC value AT THE MOMENT THE TRANSACTION IS ACQUIRED.

Click on the GENERATE YOUR ETH/BTC/LTC WALLET button: this command will show you the address you have to transfer your funds to. Please remember, this address is generated by our platform and is UNIQUE FOR EACH USER, thus DO NOT ACCEPT ANY ADDRESS FROM ANYONE OUTSIDE THRIVE’s PLATFORM as only you can have access to your address.

Then, you would need to go to your own wallet to send your contribution.

General terms

  • 1 THRT price is 0.25 EUR (fixed)
  • Min. contribution: 1000 THRT
  • No gas limit
  • Suggested gas: 21000
  • Suggested gwei: 12
  • Individual cap: 3 ETH (or BTC, LTC equivalent)
  • Multiple transactions are allowed
  • Sending from exchanges is allowed
  • Purchasers will be requested to provide a ERC20 compatible withdraw address such as MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Ledger, Mist, ImToken

Please, remember that your tokens will be displayed in your Thrive account after a couple of hours from the purchase.

Tokens will be transferable automatically to your own wallet after the end of the ICO.

Important: Do not send funds to any other domains, or addresses received by email or Telegram messages. The only way to access your unique contribution address is by logging in to you profile at our official domain:

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