Thrive Token Economics

4 min readDec 14, 2017


Thrive team will generate by Ethereum Smart Contract an ERC-20 standard token THRIVE TOKEN (THRT).

All wallets supporting ether, including Jaxx, and Ethereum Wallet support ERC-20 compliant tokens.

Smart contracts for all token sales will undergo independent third party audits from credible companies before launch to ensure the security and integrity of the code.


Total Supply: 200.000.000 THRT + Bonus

Total Token available for Sale: 53%

Initial pricing: 1 THRT = 0.25 €
The amount of THRT tokens per 1 ETH might vary due to the movement of the Ethereum price.

Hard Cap
25.000.000 €
A dynamic Hard Cap increase of 10% will be triggered in case the sales is reaching 95% of the declared hard cap.
E.g. In case the sales reaches 23.75M €, the hard cap will be dynamically increased to 27.5M €.

UNSOLD TOKEN WILL BE BURNED. This will ensure no token surplus even in case of dynamic hard cap increase.

COINS SUPPLY. As part of the business plan, Thrive will destroy the 20% of the coins earned from company service fees during the advertisement buying and selling activity in the platform.


All rounds will strictly follow KYC (Know your customer) and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) policy.
The participants’ personal information and identity proofs are then computed and compared to a legal database

USA and China not allowed.

All tokens will be generated and distributed only once the TGE/AML/KYC is completed.

As soon as Thrive’s Blockchain is ready to support the ramp up phase, Thrive’s Coins will be distributed and exchanged 1:1 with TRHT Tokens.

Thrive’s Coins are native to Thrive, it is the only currency used in the marketplace.

THRT Tokens do not represent company shares or give rights to revenue sharing.

From token economics point of view, the Thrive Coin is a utility token therefore there is not any guarantee of future value of the THRT token.


Business Plan available upon NDA signature. Tailored made deals. Contact us for more info at or visit

Final dates for both Public Pre-Sales and Public Sales will be published on the official Thrive website.


  • 53% will be allocated for Private and Public Tokens rounds.
  • 17% will be reserved for Thrive team. These tokens will be locked for 24 months after the completion of the token generation event with 1 month cliff (or until the launch of proprietary Thrive Blockchain).
  • 1% will be reserved for Advisors and Partners. These tokens will be locked for 12 months after the completion of the token generation event with 1 month cliff (or until the launch of proprietary Thrive Blockchain).
  • 2% will be reserved for bounties campaigns.
  • 27% will go to reserve and will be fully redistributed to reward Thrive community during the rump up phase.


The burning process will be always ensuring that majority of token supply generated (from 57% up to 80%) is owned by Thrive Community over time.
Fully in line with decentralization concept.

In line with Thrive Platform ramp up strategy, the 27% of generated tokens (54M THRT), called Reserve, are fully locked until platform will be ready.
This, together with the 17% team tokens vesting period, will guarantee a limited tokens supply on secondary market until the implementation phase is finalized.
Once Thrive Platform is ready to operate, this 27% reserve (54M THRT) will be unlocked and re-distributed meritocratically to users and websites that will be helping Thrive to ramp-up its Platform.
Once the rump-up is finalized, the Advertising Market Place will be officially launched.

Burning Process Simulation:

Scenario 1 — All planned crowd sales tokens are sold. In this case no tokens will be burnt. Over time, Thrive community will be holding 80% of total supply as: 106M THRT from Crowd sales (immediately) + 54M THRT from Reserve (once the platform is ready).

Scenario 2 — Less tokens than ones available in crowd sales are sold.
For scenario simulation let’s say 30% is sold. In this case the burning process will work as follow:
Total planned crowd sales tokens: 106M THRT
Total sold tokens: 60M THRT (30%)
Delta: 46M THRT: these tokens will be burned.
The new total supply won’t be any more 200M THRT but 154M THRT.
Over time, Thrive community will be holding 74% of the new total supply as: 60M THRT from Crowd sales (immediately) + 54M THRT from Reserve (once the platform is ready).

Scenario 3 — Even in the worst case scenario when:
-Only 10% tokens will be sold (20M THRT),
-86M THRT will be burned,
-New token supply generated equal to 114M THRT
over time, Thrive community will be holding 65% of the new total supply as: 20M THRT from Crowd sales (immediately) + 54M THRT from Reserve (once the platform is ready).



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Blockchain-Based Decentralized Advertising Marketplace powered by Thrive Labs