Nothing breaks my heart more…

Thriving in Love
5 min readApr 2, 2019


Every Sunday we have family prayer at my parents’ house and this past Sunday was no different. I began to share how heavy my heart has been because it seems that marriages are being attacked more now than ever. Maybe it’s because we are surrounded by marriages and people often come to us about marriage issues but it has just been overwhelming. People seem to just be giving up.

Marriages are under attack and that’s real. The enemy sees the marriage unit as a threat to his agenda and so he’s fighting with everything he’s got. And we have to be aware of what’s really happening and stop fighting our spouse. Our spouse is not the enemy!

Scriptures tell us, “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” (Ephesians 6:12)

We have to learn how to identify the true enemy and fight with our spouse against the enemy and stop fighting our spouse.

But what truly breaks my heart is when I see couples who are evidently struggling and no one asks for help. It’s not until the decision has been made to walk away that we get the news that a couple could have used our help. Why didn’t they ask when it was getting hard? When they were just having thoughts of walking away? When the agruments were getting more frequent? When temptations were rising?

There’s so many opportunities to get help, if we would humble ourselves and stop trying to do it all on our own or worse being too prideful to admit when we’ve messed up.

Divorce has become an easy option for too many couples.

Marriage is a covenant relationship. It is not something we just wash our hands of and walk away. We have made a commitment to God and to our spouse that for richer or poorer, sickness and health, better or worse… til death. But today, it’s become just until I’m tired of trying. That breaks my heart.

Christian and I LOVE marriage. That doesn’t make it easier for us. In fact, I’m sure we’ve probably been hit even more because we not only love our marriage but we love all of you and we want to see you all thriving in your marriages. The enemy can’t be happy with us but that’s ok because we know our purpose and we are committed to seeing it through.

I believe a huge difference in our marriage has been that we ask for help. We start with one another. When we feel like we are struggling with distractions, frustrations, weaknesses, past sins, etc. we open up to one another first. But sometimes, that isn’t enough. Sometimes, I can’t help Christian. He may need to talk with another brother who has been where he’s at. And the same for me, sometimes I need to talk to a woman who has been in my shoes. We’ve gone to other couples and asked for wisdom, prayer, and accountability because we embrace the help God has blessed us with.

The point is… ask for help. Asking for help doesn’t mean you are weak. It actually takes a lot of strength to admit when we’re struggling. It’s foolish to struggle in silence when help is literally a phone call away, an email away, or a video away. There’s answers if we just ask. If we would search the scriptures and apply what it says some of our problems could be solved quickly. While other may take awhile but in a lifetime journey you have nothing but time. Use it wisely.

Just recently, we’ve found ourselves kind of stuck financially. We sort of saw breakthrough for a moment but then it was like everything just stopped. And so we talked about it and prayed about it and we’re asking the Lord to show us why it seems to be a struggle for us to get over this hump. While we are seeking to hear from God, we sought out wisdom from those we know have found success financially. One of those sources we don’t have direct access to but we began to watch videos online so we can gain wisdom from someone who has been where we are and found success God’s way.

Listen!! If you need help in your marriage, ASK. Please. You don’t have to ask us for help, but please talk to someone who has had success in the area of marriage. If you need help as a wife, talk to a wife who you can see carries herself well in that area. If you’re a husband and you’re struggling to understand what to do next, talk to a brother who can help you move forward.

There are answers out there for you!

Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisers bring success.”

Seek counsel before you fall! Please… you don’t have to hit rock bottom to ask for help. If you’re slipping reach out. Talk to your spouse, a pastor, a trustworthy friend, shoot us a message. You don’t have to do this alone. God doesn’t expect you to do this alone. From the beginning he identified that man should not be alone and needed help, that’s why he created Eve. None of us are exempt from needing help from time to time. It’s OK. You are not alone.

There’s nothing to be ashamed of. We all fall short. We all have our own struggles. The key to overcoming is humbling ourselves and getting the help and accountability we need.

We love you! And we are cheering you on!

❤️ Lyneesha

If you’re ready to take your marriage to the next level, you should join us for the Mastering Intimate Conversations eCourse.

Enrollment will be closing on April 7th and we are limiting the number of participants. So if I were you, I’d >> secure my spot fast <<

Here’s a tiny bit of the tons of information we’ll be covering:

  • How to Talk to your spouse about ANY TOPIC without it turning into a big argument and pushing the two of your further apart.
  • How to Identify the true source of the pain points in your marriage so you and your spouse can fight back-to-back (against the real enemy) not face-to-face.
  • How to Unlock the true power of communication when it comes to sex in your marriage.
  • How to Discuss and agree on plans for the future through having purposeful conversations.
  • How to Communicate and come up with strategies for financial management when you have different views of money.

PLUS, we’re throwing over $3400 worth of bonus content in there just because we want to ensure your success! We want you to thrive in your marriage so we’re giving you as much as we can in this 4-week course but only for a LIMITED TIME. We cannot promise you will see this exact offer again.

Check it out >> HERE <<



Thriving in Love

Author: Lyneesha Johnson, Co-founder of Thriving in Love. Specializing in marriage preparation and communication