On The Come Up: Travis Scott

Through // Adversity
6 min readOct 14, 2017


“Yes, money is important. But it’s all about the creative process” — Travis Scott

Travis Scott born Jacques Webster, Jr, is a highly successful musician born and raised in Houston, Texas. Travis Scott also known as La Flame, is known for his hard hitting beats, unique instrumentals and auto-tuned vocal style. It took lot of work, dedication and risk for the young artist to reach his goals and make a living pursuing music. He’s attracted a lot of attention to himself over the past few years and could possibly beexpecting a child with Kylie Jenner during the writing of this article.

It took a considerable amount of factors for Travis Scott to beat the odds and put himself into the spotlight from his humble upbringing. During his pursuit, Scott found himself homeless and broke while trying to make his dreams a reality. He knew from a very young age that he wanted more out of life and was committed to getting it after seeing poverty firsthand while living with his Grandmother growing up. Here’s the story and process on Le Flame’s Come Up;

“There’s a lot of us out here that are birds, man. We all need to just fly” — Travis Scott

Travis Scott’s Background

Travis Scott grew up in the suburbs of Texas however spent his first 6 years of life living with his grandmother in South Park, a low income area in Texas. Music was always an influence for Scott, his grandfather was a jazz composer and his father was a drummer, following his dad’s footsteps Scott grew up playing drums at 3 years old and learned to play piano as well. Scott was able to nurture and grow his musical abilities throughout his life, his father taught him how to play drums and even got him recording equipment to grow as a musician and further develop his skills. Scott would start recording at a young age and artists like Kanye West, P Diddy, and Kid Cudi would heavily influence the young artists sound and approach to music.

“Pulled out of the hood Toyato, Drove back to the hood lambo” — Travis Scott

Travis Scott attended Private school for elementary school and middle school. He loved the experience and it gave him insight and perspective into a completely different way of life. He had many wealthy friends and this increased Scott’s desire for a more luxurious lifestyle. Scott was always a good student and even graduated from High School a year early at the age of 17. During this time however he would skip class to work on music and his parents that nurtured his musical abilities would soon be concerned for the path Travis was headed. this caused major conflict and disagreement in his household. Scott wanted to pursue music however his parents wanted him to take traditional route of getting a 9–5 job. Scott was always frustrated with the education system and dropped out of College at the age of 19 to pursue music.

“If I’m going to class, I’m going to have to sit here and look at this professor that’s teaching me shit I’m not trying to hear. I want to be a fucking rapper bro. I’m trying to ice out my chain. I’m trying to rock crowds and have kids spazz. That’s what I wanted to do. Entertain. Fuck this whole having a job and a desk and a boss — kiss my ass.” — Travis Scott

After dropping out from college Travis would keep this a secret from his family. He would use the money he got for school to support himself and travel to start making a name for himself. He would spend time in New York City and Los Angeles working with other artists, further perfecting his craft, releasing music and building his network. Eventually his parents would find out and cut off all financial support they were giving Travis, this would eventually lead to Scott being homeless, penniless, and on his own. Scott’s resourcefulness would bring him back to Los Angeles from Texas where he would finally catch a major break. T.I. would reach out to the young artist after hearing a song of he recorded during his time in New York. This would lead to Scott signing to TI’s record label Grand Hustle and Scott surrounding himself and learning from top artists in the industry. Scott’s future wasn’t set in stone just yet, Scott would find himself homeless again during this time and would be reached out by one of his major musical influences, Kanye West.

This was the final break for Scott that allowed him to accelerate himself into stardom. He signed with Kanye West’s record label and finally created a world of luxury and opportunity for himself doing what made him happiest.

Travis Scott’s Desire

Le Flame had a burning desire to turn his dreams into a reality. Desire is defined as; a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen. His desire for success ultimately led to him making the decision that this is what he wanted out of life. Desire is not to be underestimated. Everything we do we do out of desire, it’s part of human nature. If someone can learn to build desire it can give an individual unshakable will power and persistence.

Travis Scott’s Faith

Scott’s faith was so strong that he believed that if he took risks like going to city’s he’s never lived in before. Betray his parents trust and master his craft that it would all pay of in the end. Faith allows you to take action you normally wouldn’t consider because you believe that in the end those actions will all help you reach your desired outcome the same way it helped Travis stay on track even when things seemed impossible for him.

Travis Scott’s Imagination

“I feel like everything needs to be stylized; that’s always been my mindset” — Travis Scott

Travis Scott’s Decision

“Everybody just has different steps in their life that they take to do what they should” — Travis Scott

Travis Scott had made the DECISION of what his future was going to be. Being exposed to what he loved doing at such a young age allowed him to start planning and growing in the direction he wanted to. He didn’t leave it up to chance or hope that it would happen. He DECIDED he was going to be a rapper and did everything he needed to do in order to become the man he needed to be to do what he is doing. A DECISION is a conclusion or resolution reached after consideration. Travis’s destiny was sealed the moment he decided he was going to be a rapper no matter what all he needed was time. Go through this Article and see if you can spot actions that reflect his definiteness purpose.

Travis Scott’s Persistence

Setback after setback Le Flame was able to keep his focus, stay on track and not give up on his vision. Persistence is the greatest insurance against all failure. Nothing can stop a persistent person that knows what they want. Travis’s story is an example of this unwillingness to give up. When Travis Scott DECIDED to pursue a career in music, the people that brought him into this world stopped supporting him and tried stopping him from chasing his dreams, even when he was homeless with not a nickel to his name his persistence allowed him to keep moving in the direction of his desires no matter what outside forces stopped him.

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Through // Adversity

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