DACC Coin content platform for future and development

Son Myoung Ji
7 min readJul 3, 2018


DACC(Decentralized Accessible Content Chain) is a platform that will revolutionize the digital content and media industries.

  1. DACC appearance background

The advancement of internet and network technology over the past decade has allowed for the rapid rise and global proliferation of digital content industry, mainly in three categories, IP data, user and network data. How platforms protect copyright and IP data remains a pointed topic of debate, with content creators pointing to annual content piracy revenue losses of US$12.5 billion for the US music industry alone and US$31.8 billion for the global online TV and movie 1 2 industries. On the user data arena, we have over 5.1 billion use mobile phones, over 4.0 billion use the internet, and over 3.1 billion use social media . How content and media platforms share 3 user data has become a topic with recent scandals at companies like Facebook, where over 87 million users had their data unknowingly exposed to third parties. How platforms charge for user data has always been an issue, as highlighted by the ongoing struggle for content creators to claim more streaming revenues from centralized platforms such as Facebook and Google. We have seen regulatory bodies take measures against these issues, such as the EU’s recent General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to address personal data privacy. However, these measures ignore the fundamental problem that exists in today’s data-driven world — data that is owned and maintained by centralized interests will always be subject to security risks, non-transparent sharing and access grants, as well as unfair monetization by their custodians. Due to this unbalanced incentives between content creators, publishers, curators and consumers, the core component in this ecosystem, the content creators, lack the incentive to create high quality content that contribute to the proliferation of the community. We believe that data ownership and access management should be removed to the greatest extent possible from centralized interests and given back to their respective owners and creators.

2.DACC’s unique competitive advantages

  1. 4.1 Infrastructural Innovations Based on IAM System DACC will be designed with the following core technical elements in mind: ● A decentralized file system that contains intrinsic identity and access management (IAM) and a scalable public blockchain used as a ledger for recording transactions ● Smart contract capabilities, including the ability to issue new tokens (launch ICO’s) and the ability to build any content-related decentralized application that requires strong IAM (We will have a special agency to verify whether the coin created by the user is a securities token. If it is a securities token, we do not recognize its validity.) ● Developer tools with abstracted token economy templates for both creative content and social network data. ● Modular decentralized file system with strong IAM controls that can be called by other blockchain services ● Token Economy Template and GUI tools for both creative content and social network data.
  2. 1.4.2 Unique Consensus Algorithms — Scalable with High Volume Transactions with Low Latency ● DACC file system identifies and delegates different accesses of creators, distributors, organizers, and consumers. ● DPOS+VRF used as consensus algorithm on public chain to ensure the scalability and high volume transactions with low latency ● DACC tokens used for transaction fees and storage fees, block producers and storage providers are rewarded with DACC tokens
  3. 1.4.3 World-Class Global Community The DACC team comprises of industrial veterans from media, technology, and social media platforms with a combined of 50+ years of experience and building a user community with over 20M user base. We aim to bring technological innovations in blockchains, combining our experience in building community, first to the content media industry. ● Experienced team that enables rapid community formation. The team has brought about the formation of 3AM blockchain community, one of the largest blockchain community in Asia-Pacific regions with 10M user base. The team also created one of the most popular blockchain group, 499-block community, with 100,000 followers. ● Global crypto community of 200,000+ users with organic growth of 50,000 users per week, in major English speaking countries including USA, Europe, as well as Korea, Japan and China.
  4. 1.4.4 Concrete Use Cases to Deliver Real Value to Digital Media Industry While blockchain technology show promises across many industries, and bitcoin has been the main implementation of blockchain application so far. However, we believe DACC can bring immediate value to the blockchain ecosystem and multimedia content and media industry where 9 content creators face urgent challenges in creating meaningful and high quality audio and media contents. ● First wave adopters of DACC protocols will be the digital media companies in blockchain industry. DACC will help media company build their own DAPPs on DACC blockchain and help solve immediate issues such as securing original content creation, anti-plagiarism and protections of user data. ● Multimedia industry especially audio industry will be among the first wave adoption as well. As mentioned earlier, audio content creators will see immediate revenue generation and curators will directly benefit from curating and discovering quality content. DACC will partnership with Vinci Smart Headphone to develop its audio ecosystem. ● We believe innovation is the essential part of DACC development. DACC Labs will develop its own DAPPs which has innovate features and economic model. DACC first Dapp will be it’s audio Dapp, also developing its second crypto media Dapp.
  5. 1.4.5 An Innovative Incentive Token Scheme ● In the traditional digital media industry, publishers took a significant amount of profits which deters the motivation of content creators. The highlight of the DACC protocols is to the tackle the imbalance between creators, curators, referrers, consumers and developers. ● In DACC community, DACC Token incentives will be mostly rewarded to block producers, infrastructure maintainers and ecosystem developers, ● DACC aims to place content creators back to the center of the stage and eliminate the intermediaries that cause unnecessary friction of content creation. DACC will empower the content creators in the long run.

3. The DACC Foundation and Governance

3.1 The DACC Foundation The DACC Foundation Pte. Ltd. (“DACC Foundation​”) is intended to be an exempt private company limited by shares that maintains and facilitates the democratic governance of the DACC for all members. The DACC Foundation will consist of 3 Directors. These Directors will be scrutinized and selected strictly upon their merits and reputation within their respective industries. Key decision making with respect to the operations and applications of the DACC will be determined by majority vote of the DACC Foundation only. The DACC Foundation will operate upon 3 immutable guiding principles: ● Impartiality.​ Directors will act and vote independently, with only the best interests of the operations, applications, and members of the DACC in mind. ● Directors will be paid a nominal salary with respect to their work with the DACC Foundation. Outside of this, Directors shall not be allowed to partake in any profit making activities in relation to their responsibilities with the DACC Foundation. The mandate of the DACC Foundation will include: ● Open and transparent governance of all DACC tokens issued and distributed ● Support for and advancement of the technologies related to the blockchain implementation within the DACC ● Ensuring the protection of users data and privacy ● All matters related to ecosystem membership

3.2 DACC Governance The DACC Foundation will be registered as a separate legal entity with its own governance framework. This governance framework, as well as the DACC Foundation itself, will be advised by leading industry professionals and will implement best practices from other industry established foundations. Additional measures will be put in place to adequately respond to changes in industry regulations and requirements. DACC blockchain will also adopt a series of development templates in the future: ● Token template ● DACC Foundation token issuance template ● DACC improvement plans template

4. DACC Ecosystem Based on Global Distributed Crypto Community

DACC will leverage its community impact in crypto industry to expand its ecosystem starting from crypto medias, community and other content creators. Core members of the DACC team have been building artificial intelligence technology, social media platforms and a global community in the past 12 years. Cumulatively, the team comprised of core members with total of up to 50 years of community experience with a user community with over 20M user base. We aim to bring technological innovations in blockchains, combining our experience in building community, first to the content media industry. The DACC team has demonstrated consistent track record of building community. The team has brought about the formation of 3AM blockchain community, one of the largest blockchain community in Asia-Pacific regions with 10M user base in 5 months. The team also created one of the most popular blockchain group, 499-block community, with 100,000 followers. Global crypto community of 200,000+ users with organic growth of 50,000 users per week, in major English speaking countries including USA, Europe, as well as Korea, Japan and China. With leading community support, DACC ecosystem will build up its own ecosystem from digital media that close to its crypto community.

Official site — http://dacc.co
Official Telegram (Korea) — https://t.me/dacc_korean
Official Telegram — https://t.me/dacc_official_group_english
Official Twitter — https://twitter.com/DACCblockchain
Official Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/DACCblockchain/
Official Medium — https://medium.com/@daccblockhchain
Official Reddit — https://www.reddit.com/r/DACCblockchain/
Official YouTube channel — https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5pb5JKSEKgnQAkv0gKi7qA
Official White Paper: http://dacc.co/whitepaper/Dacc.pdf

