Thuraia Alqahtani
5 min readJun 27, 2022


Continuing my lovely journey with misk UX design immersive program

It’s week two, and we’ve already completed project one. And we were assigned in groups for project two. When they said it was IMMERSIVE, they weren’t joking!

I was excited to know who my teammates were. And when I read their names, I became even more excited to start working with them.


project two was about Creating an online presence for an existing business and and we went with al hafdi art supply store.


Al-Hfedi is an old artist who’s passionate about spreading his love for art and encouraging the next generation to explore this field. Thus, he establishes a small local art supply store in Jeddah . The store provides art tools at an affordable price for artists (beginners or experts), calligraphers, and art education classes.

alhafdi art store logo

Problem statement

Our artists have the problem that they don’t have a website that provides art supplies with good quality, affordable, and a variety of product choices and display sufficient categorization. Our solution should provide a website that uplift their experience along with enhancing their way of practicing art.


Our solution delivers a platform with a clear and straightforward layout to showcase art categories and styles with informative product feedback along with efficient features and discounts.

The Research

In our general research we find out that According to ACS statistics, there are 1.4 million working artists. Women make up 54.8% of artists, while males make up 45.2%.
Moreover, According to the study, and to form an idea of the size, habits, and impact of painting crafters, 42% of artists are aged 18–34, while 38% are 35–54, and 20% are 55+.
Additionally, the study shows that 72% buy their supplies in a physical store, 7% outside a physical store, and 21% in a combination of both. However, it’s important to note that while many purchase in-store, they are constantly researching the best products, reading reviews, and seeking advice from fellow artists online.

user research

When doing our Screening questions we made sure that our screening survey does not contain a lot of questions and we aimed to ensure that our questions do not lead people to guess which attributes we are looking for.

We performed 8 interviews and the findings were fantastic; we were able to create a huge affinity map, and after working on two projects, I found that I enjoy working in affinity mapping.

and our goals from the interviews were :

-To provide a clear and appealing design for consumers to guarantee a seamless flow during the purchase process.

-To learn about the problems customers have when browsing an online art store.

-To learn about the advantages of purchasing from an online art supply store rather than a physical store.

our beautiful affinity mapping

business research

when we started our business research first thing I did is to look up an online art supply store since I have a little tiny background in the art tools and the art supplies so I checked the results and I was impressed that we have a lot more competitors than I thought. Do you remember when I said I knew nothing about the art supplies? well I thought the only competitor was Jarir 😁.

well,look at this big C&C

competitors comparison

we also did a layout comparison to help us determine our website layout and that was really helpful.

layout comparison

building our LMER’S heuristics and rating the competitors process I won’t say it’s hard but it needs time. to experience and try each website and evaluate each one will take time

LMER’S heuristics

we can summarize the competitors research in two points which is:

Most of our competitors are specialized art stores or have sections related to art in general. Both are targeting artists and people interested in art, aiming to provide high-quality products at reasonable prices to ensure customer satisfaction.

Analyzing the competitors will provide us with the most applicable data for a good user experience that will help our website visitors access and navigate through the website with ease.


from our research, we were able to identify how are our targeted audiences and our persona.

one of our main findings in the screening survey is that only 10% of the participant are procrastinator, and 90% are planners.

and now let me introduce layan

Layan Mohammed

Layan Mohammed 20 years old lives with her family in Jeddah and studies Design. she is passionate about art. She works as a part-time barista to afford to buy all the things she needs to practice art.She is an organized person and prefers to plan everything . she is always saying “My to-do list can save my day.”

alhafdi website

after all the research now is the time to start working on the website identify our features and our UI

we have listed a lot of features and to prioritize the features we did 2x2 matrix


we came out of the 2x2 matrix with a list of the key features that we implemented in the wireframe

after we built our sitemap it’s the time to start designing

alhafdi sitemap


I would say that designing the wireframe and working on Figma is one of my favorite parts of this project

we have done user testing and we got amazing responses that really could elevate our design but due to the time constraint, unfortunately, we were not able to cover all the notes. and I want to add that we should give more effort and time to the iteration phase


it was a joyful journey Regardless all the conflicts and the hard time I would say that I learned a lot and I’m thankful for project 2