3 min readDec 6, 2019

The Joys and Trials of growing into your music: Interview with Merci, Mercy

Sitting adjacent to an oversized concrete plant box in an airy Brunswick cafe, Merci looks small and almost childlike.

Her appearance seems fitting to the innocent, angelic notes of her first released track, “Be.” Merci is young, just shy of 20. But she holds an undercurrent strength, this is clearly reflected in her actions — already she’s flown to Sydney, alone, several times to work on new songs. When asked why she began making music, it’s clear that it forms an outlet to a strong creative other side of herself.

“I guess cos when you’re shy, no one gets to know you that well, it takes me a while to get comfortable. But singing makes me feel like a different person. It makes me less shy. Like I’m obviously still shy, but I feel confident within myself” she said.

Merci sips her overpriced coffee and scans the room briefly before musing about how it all began.

“I’ve always wanted to sing. My dad bought me a guitar and I started doing covers but I just never sounded good singing other people’s songs. When I wrote my first proper song about someone that hurt me, that was when people around me said you have something. I was 16. I was like omg I’m finally good at something.”

Her manner is always humble and thoughtful. Adverse to her appearance. Hair nowadays cut short and bleached into a violet hue, colourful sneakers and a faux shearling bomber — it’s clear that she actually has loads of strengths, including style.

“I’d definitely like to design my own clothes. I love jackets. Love shoes, wouldn’t touch designing shoes though. More apparel.” she says with a smile. The future is vast for her, and no doubt with how shes lived her life so far, theres many opportunities for her. She comes from a family of makers and creatives. When this is raised, she concurs

“Yeah definitely. Being around my sister Jerin has helped. Helping her (floral arrangement) business is great, she designs spaces so well yet each time I’m still surprised like how did you make it look this way?”

Yet after probing about what she would consider her biggest challenge, she states quickly “I guess, putting in my head I could make it or not -50/50 chance. Because if I don’t make it I don’t have anything else.” In many ways its clear that her unwhiling focus continues to be music. ‘I’ve just been kind of ignoring (any doubt) to be honest, like if it pops up I just say “yeah you can go away”.

When asked where she’d like to be in three years, she contemplates for half a minute -

“I’m about to sign a contract, (I) never thought that would happen. People keep telling me I’m lucky. But I didn’t really know any other way. It’s come kinda easily in some ways.”

This statement could be seen as true without knowing her well, but those close to her would disagree. She’s worked hard on her lyrics and melodies, spending hours alone teaching herself how to write and play guitar.

This is actually her first interview, when asked what she would like to leave with readers about her thoughts on music, she says

“I guess that music is more important to me than people may think. If I’m anxious and don’t want to go to the shops or don’t want to leave the house, if I’ve got my headphones on I can do it. This week has been hectic creatively and a lot of stress/exhaustion but as long as I’ve got my headphones I’m all good.”

Since this interview, she’s signed that contract and another 5 songs are already underway. Proof already that her willpower and (already) respected creativity is bolder than she may admit..

Follow her journey via Triple J unearthed or instagram below, or reach out if you’d like to work with her.


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