Add people to your LinkedIn network automatically

Tiago Bértolo
2 min readOct 25, 2018


Before you start…

  • Use this script at your own risk.
  • Prepare yourself to receive a lot of messages.
  • There is a maximum amount of connections, 30000, that once reached will not allow you to add more people.
  • LinkedIn servers will block you temporarily after adding a few thousand connections. I never reached this limit, so I can’t precise how much. I made over 1000 new connection requests without any issues.
  • The script might not work if your screen is too big or too small. Sometimes, web pages render different elements and the selectButtonElements function might need to be adapted.
  • Install Google Chrome. Might work on other browsers…

How to use it

  1. Open the My Network page on LinkedIn.
  2. Make sure your LinkedIn is in English. If not you might need to change the button string ”Connect” inside the function selectButtonElements.
  3. Open Chrome Dev Tools.
  4. Paste the script below in the console, press enter and wait.

This script will simply scroll the page, load profile links that you can connect to and click on 500 of them.

You might want to try to play with the constants and achieve different results:

// maximum limit of Connect buttons clicked
const LIMIT = 500;
// wait in ms before each scroll
const SCROLL_TIMEOUT = 600;
// bulk scroll will scroll this amount of times
// wait in ms before each click
const CLICK_DELAY = 300;
// if this amount of connections in the page, time to click
// if this amount of connections in the page, time to scroll

This was the final result:

If it doesn’t work for you, leave me a comment or send me a tweet.

