The Tale of Those Who Embrace Differences

Tiago Ferreira
3 min readJul 29, 2023


Yesterday I had a coffee with a long-term friend, and one of the topics we talked about was Dungeons And Dragons. We and other friends used to play it (and you should as well, it is an amazing way to spend some cool time) and after our conversation, I started to think about the background of a possible character that I’m creating to play again. And when I was thinking my head was like “What if I could write a very short fantasy story that touches one of the most dearest topics to me? — Diversity, Equity and Inclusion?

So I did it. Yes… It is possible to put Fantasy stories and DEI on the same page!
Septic? Read this short story with me 😋

A Tale of Those Who Embrace Differences

In the realm of Eldoria, a prophecy once echoed through the lands, foretelling the rise of extraordinary adventurers destined to bring unity and prosperity to the kingdom. These champions would hail from different backgrounds, embracing their diversity as a source of strength, beckoning the realm to break the chains of prejudice and division.

Among the villagers of Evergrove, the young elven archer, Elara, dared to defy conventions. Despite societal expectations pressuring her to conform, she yearned for thrilling adventures beyond the boundaries of her people. Her unwavering determination broke the shackles of tradition, setting an example for others to follow.

In the mountainous outskirts of Evergrove lived Aiden, a skilled dwarf blacksmith, who faced relentless discrimination due to his short stature. Yet, his heart was as resilient as the steel he forged. Aiden’s craftsmanship knew no equal, but he longed for a world that would see his worth beyond appearances.

Meanwhile, in the city of Moonhaven, a nimble halfling rogue named Kael navigated the shadows with unparalleled skill and cunning. Often underestimated because of his size, Kael embraced his uniqueness, refusing to be overshadowed by societal prejudices.

As fate would have it, the paths of Elara, Aiden, and Kael intertwined when a mysterious messenger arrived bearing a parchment with a symbol that perfectly matched the birthmarks on their wrists. The unmistakable mark of destiny revealed they were the chosen ones — the adventurers foretold by the prophecy.
Throughout their quest, they encountered people from every race and background imaginable — humans, gnomes, half-orcs, etc. Each individual brought unique talents and experiences to the tapestry of their quest.

Diversity proved to be their greatest strength, as they learned to embrace each other’s strengths and support one another unconditionally. Elara’s precise aim and keen senses often helped the team in spotting dangers and strategise their approach. Ainden’s used his talent to forge unique tools and inventions that proved instrumental in overcoming obstacles. Kael’s ability to navigate narrow passages and evade enemies was crucial in infiltrating enemy strongholds and obtaining valuable information.

They became a beacon of change, demonstrating that unity through diversity could overcome even the most formidable challenges. Eldoria witnessed a transformation unlike any other. Leaders and commoners alike took to heart the message of inclusion and equity the diverse adventurers embodied. Policies were reformed, prejudices dismantled, and walls replaced with bridges.

Thus, this Tale stands as a testament to the everlasting truth: when a diverse group stands united in the face of adversity, they can change the very fabric of the world.

Yes! It is possible to combine both! After all, fantasy is about everything.

Thanks for reading this long post, I hope this small tale inspired you somehow.



Tiago Ferreira

Recruiter, Sourcer, Gamer, Writer, DEI advocate, & father of a cute black kitten