creativity is being repressed and we are becoming human robots.

Tiana May Writes.
3 min readSep 19, 2022


You want to know one of the most messed up perceptions society holds ?

The pressure to have a formal qualification in order to be deemed as valuable to society. I can’t tell you how many times I have received surprised looks toward the fact I am choosing not to attend University. See, I grew up being a smart kid, good at reading and writing etc., It shocked people, especially my family, that I would not be chasing a degree and formal qualification that I could so easily obtain and succeed at.

I chose this because I chose myself. I am the black sheep that breaks paradigms and expectations. I hold a lot of strength in this. I understand that my gifts come from within.

In saying this, I have uttermost respect for the educators and teachers out there, who holds years of wisdom and interest in the subjects they teach. Some of the teachers I had, specifically my high school English teacher, Mr Smith, changed my life. They gave me ideas and inspiration and hope that are instilled within my heart to this day.

But this is also relative whether the teachers are being teachers for the right reasons.

I believe that each and every human carry natural creative gifts and inspiration that they are born with. A purpose of divine inspiration that will help their own journey and the other souls they reach. I truly believe this from the bottom of my heart, and I believe that if more humans knew they had access to their personal super-power, they would chose themselves and a career that matches that.

Unfortunately, this is not the case. We are expected to have an idea of what we want to do for the rest of our lives at the age of 18.
In Western high school culture, we are pressured from a young age that we have to perform well in high school otherwise we are basically doomed for the rest of our lives. Because what would we possibly do if we don’t get a University degree?! Shock, horror.

It is so backward.

The thought of being creative and having natural gifts always has to be invalidated by the pressure of adding a qualification with it. I do understand it’s a double sided coin, however I think because of the pressure that is drilled into us, it blinds us from seeing the real picture of what we might actually want to be spending our lives doing.

Life is precious. Our time is precious. And there is always this idea in society that we are going to run out of it. Like there’s never enough.
The concept of working hard toward your dreams and having faith in them is diminishing at the seams. It’s sad.

It’s taken me a lot to get to a place where I am completely confident in my creative gifts and ability to make something on my own. This is something I have always known about myself, that I could build a career independently. I just wish I listened to this voice sooner.

If you’re reading this, I encourage you to reflect on what your personal creative gifts may be. What lights up your heart? What interests you on a deep level? What is the one thing you could see yourself doing every day and never getting bored of?

Your dreams are never too small.



Tiana May Writes.

New Age Erotic Feminist Writer. Interested In Personal/Collective Liberation. Heart-Opened Pieces. Know Thyself.