Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for Huitai — Rabbit Care Companion

Rin Studio
1 min readNov 11, 2023


Welcome to “Huitai — Rabbit Care Companion,” your AI-powered guide for pet rabbit care. By using our app, you agree to the following terms and our commitment to your privacy.

Usage and Services

  • “Huitai — Rabbit Care Companion” provides AI-driven advice for pet rabbit care, health, and disease knowledge.
  • The app’s guidance is supplementary and should not replace professional veterinary consultation.
  • Users are expected to provide accurate information to enhance the app’s personalized advice.

Data Collection and Usage

  • We collect minimal non-personal data, such as usage statistics, to improve the app’s functionality.
  • If personal data is collected for personalized advice, it will be explicitly stated and used solely for that purpose.
  • Personal data will not be used for unrelated purposes without explicit user consent.

Privacy and Information Sharing

  • We prioritize user privacy and do not share personal information with third parties, except as required by law.
  • Anonymized or aggregate data may be used for improving app services or research.

Data Security and Liability

  • We implement robust security measures to protect against unauthorized data access.
  • The creator of Huitai — Rabbit Care Companion is not liable for indirect damages arising from app usage.

Amendments and Contact

  • We reserve the right to modify these terms and policies. Continued use after changes indicates acceptance.
  • For inquiries or concerns, contact us at edward9941@gmail.com.

