Jinn Phenomenon: Examining the Cultural Significance and Global Beliefs

Tiasha Roy
3 min readJul 9, 2023


Aladdin — A famous cartoon film that was telecast on the Disney channel in our childhood, in 1992. It was a favorite show for many of us. Do you remember “Genie” — The Jinn from this show who used to fulfill every wish of Aladdin?

Image: A Aladdin Poster (Image Source: www.insiemeweb.com)

Many of us have a different explanation of Jinns. Most of us think that Jinns are a very good creature who always helps human beings, always be in our control and always fulfill our wishes. But this concept is actually wrong. Then who are Jinns?

As we know that we humans are made of 4 things i.e. Water, Air, Fire, and Soil, and have a limited lifespan i.e. 100 years approximately. But this does not happen with Jinns. They are only made of fire and have a lifespan of approximately 2000–3000 years.

There are many types of Jinns, but we will be discussing 3 main types of jinns — Marid, Saitan, and Efreet.


In Arabian mythology, Marids are powerful and intelligent spirits or jinn associated with the element of water. They are often depicted as gigantic, towering creatures capable of causing massive waves and storms at sea. Marids are considered one of the most potent types of jinn and are known for their pride and trickery. They are believed to possess great knowledge and magical abilities. According to legends, they can grant wishes to those who can successfully capture or control them.

Image: An image of Marid (Image Source: Google)

Saitans (Shaitans):

Saitans, also known as Shaitans, are malevolent spirits or jinn in Islamic folklore. They are associated with deception, temptation, and evil. Saitans are believed to be the rebellious jinn who refused to bow down to Prophet Adam when he was created. These jinn are considered malevolent beings that whisper evil thoughts and temptations to humans in an attempt to lead them astray. They are often depicted as small, mischievous creatures with the ability to possess and manipulate individuals.

Image: An image of Shaitan (Image Source: Google)


Efreet (also spelled Ifrit) is a type of powerful jinn or spirit in Middle Eastern folklore. They are known for their strength and fiery nature. Efreet is often depicted as large, muscular beings made of smoke or fire, capable of shape-shifting into different forms. In some legends, Efreet is associated with deserts and is believed to guard hidden treasures. They are known to be extremely powerful and possess vast knowledge of magic and the supernatural.

Image: An image of Efreet (Image Source: Google)

As humans are given a chance to be good or bad, Jinns are also given a chance to be good and bad but they just have some extra supernatural power than humans.

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Tiasha Roy

Hi, my name is Tiasha Roy. I am a tech enthusiast and creator and make the world a more positive place with collective consciousness.