Tias Indriani
2 min readApr 7, 2018


Blockchain Powered Medical DICOM-Platform

Why Investing In VoxelX?

You are not investing in an idea, but rather in a beta product that will revolutionize the multidisciplinary learning

We are not a big team with promising big ideas, but rather we are a small but focused team who has moved from promising to proven.

With VoxelX you are not kick-starting a project, but rather you are kick-finishing it and start profiting.

What is GRAY Coin?

GRAY coins are Ethereum’s ERC-20 tokens that enabled us to design rewards algorithm that pays radiologists for every single even tiny submission and update of the contents and images of the platform. With GRAY coins we are able to monetize the online content and create incentives to encourage radiologists both as publishers and validators in building and expanding the community of the platform.

The Problem and The Solution

Multidisciplinary learning is one of the most challenging tasks in medical education, on both the graduate and postgraduate levels. And as the volume of information in medical sciences grows rapidly, the demands on on this type of learning are getting bigger.

VoxelX’s mission is to revolutionize the multidisciplinary learning by creating a blockchain powered online DICOM-platform to simulate medical learning. VoxelX’s team is one of the few that is working since 2013 in implementing DICOM-images in medical e-learning specially in radiology field.


Team Members

For more information you can visit the following sites:

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/voxelx/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/Voxel_X

Telegram : https://t.me/voxelx

Website : https://voxelx.io/

