Electric Bikes, Brings Forth More than Just Convenience

Tiberius Trettin
3 min readJul 5, 2016


Personal Travel: The freedom to move about is highly cherished by the human populace and implements that could facilitate this movement is held in high esteem by all sections of society. Right from going to school, to going out for shopping grocery, and what have you; the independence of a personal mode of transport is taken advantage by most people. Adding to the choice available is the electric bicycle that promised to transport people to where ever they might beheaded at the least cost to the environment and pockets. Compact, yet sturdy, the bicycle can be stowed away conveniently after use and makes do with the least amount of maintenance. There are various sizes on offer that would be of use to people of all shapes and sizes.

A Non Polluting Medium: Along with the level of environment awareness that has been applied to most economic and physical activities, it is but natural that the same applies to the modes of our transportation as well. With the increased impact of pollutants that arise with the use of fossil fuels and other conventional modes of transport, has laid the importance of having a totally clean and at the same time easy to use form of transport. The purchase ebike would go a long way in mitigating this irritating problem to a large extent. This non-polluting yet simple and affordable to use solution to our every day issue brings benefits to both the environment as well as provides health benefits too.

A Portable Solution Too: The best electric bikes come with a futuristic design that makes it foldable and easy to stow away too. This then makes it useful in places that do not have sufficient parking areas. The portable ebike makes it easy to carry while say on a picnic or other outdoor activities. Built in the form of a cross over bike, the electric bike can also be used for outdoor activities too. Good off road handling ability of the bicycle ensures an enjoyable and safe experience. With modern living spaces getting smaller and smaller, it is apt that a suitable mode of transport that complements this setting is used. This self propelled means of transport is just what a congested town or city need for its inhabitants.

The Advantages of an Ebike: Being self propelled the best electric bike saves the rider the trouble of exerting themselves. The powerful motor would permit a fairly large person to ride with comfort. At times when on very steep climbs, the motor power helps the rider with the climb. Easy to use and with very little maintenance, the ebike would point to the future modes of transport; a means of transport that is personal yet clean to use. The additional feature of folding the bike to form a small package for neat carrying makes the bicycle convenient to store after a ride. With the trend in personal transport being laid on a non-polluting and easy to store medium, the ebike would more than fit the bill.

Author is a prominent writer, In this article he explainned about the electric Bikes. Find more information Click here.

