Taking KrogerFeedback Survey Gives you free fuel & chance to win $5000

3 min readJun 18, 2019



Kroger, the second-largest supermarket chain based in the United States. Branching out over 2778 locations throughout the country. Kroger, no doubt has become one of the best supermarket chains and definitely one of the best employers in the country. Interestingly, that is not all. Kroger loves its employees and customers. For that reason, Kroger has to offer something interesting that helps them improve and make their customers keep coming back. Kroger feedback, A platform for its customers to give feedback and get exciting rewards every single time.

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Give Kroger Feedback using krogerfeedbackPortal

Kroger is known to provide top-notch services already is still greedy and wants to improve more!

And to understand its customer's needs, there is no better way other than asking them directly. You know what they say, “Customer Knows Best.” and there is no doubt in that.

Communicating with customers using a survey is great for the company to get upfront and honest feedback regarding their service, availability of products either branded or non branded, the behavior of the staff or even their environment.

The Krogerfeedback survey is designed to be as short as possible and only takes about 2 minutes to complete. but time has its own cost and Kroger is well aware of that.

In return, Kroger offers its customers free 50 fuel points and enters them to monthly sweepstakes that can make them win $5000 cash reward.

Here is how you can be eligible to take part in Krogerfeedback sweepstakes for Free fuel points cash rewards.

Eligibility to Enter Sweepstakes — KrogerStoreFeedback.com

  • You should be 18 years of age or above to take part in the survey.
  • You must have a valid receipt from the Kroger Stores no older than 7 days. Receipts older than 7 days are not acceptable for entry.
  • You need access to an internet connection to connect to the krogerstorefeedback website.

If you have everything mentioned above. You can now begin taking the survey. Follow the steps below to win Kroger Fuel Points by taking the survey.

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Steps for Kroger Feedback Survey — www.krogerfeedback.com

  • Firstly, Visit the Kroger Feedback page.
  • Next, you need to enter the details provided in your valid receipt like; Date of visit, Time, and the Entry ID.
  • Select the “Start” button to enter the survey.
  • Now you will be provided by a series of questions that will appear one after another and you have to rate each one according to your experience at Kroger stores.
  • You can also fill your personal suggestions for improvements or complaints at the end.
  • Once finished you will be asked to enter your personal details that will be used to enter you to the lucky draw. All personal information is kept secret and will only be used for sweepstakes.

As simple as that you are able to get 50 free fuel points from Kroger and enter your self to a lucky draw for $500 cash rewards.

You will be provided with a discount code or coupon that you can use to avail of 50 Kroger fuel points.

The Kroger feedback winners are announced every month so keep a close eye on the Kroger feedback sweeps winner list.

If you are curious, You can go thought the terms and conditions applied for the Kroger sweepstakes and rewards.

