Deployment of static websites to Digital Ocean using TravisCI

A blunt tutorial

Thibaut Tiberghien
2 min readMay 7, 2016


YMMV: The code below is given for the environment and use-case I had at the time of writing, adapt it for your requirements.


  • Code on GitHub, master branch deploys to prod, and staging branch deploys to a subdomain for preview and QA.
  • Web hosting on a Digital Ocean droplet, running Ubuntu 16.04. Using Nginx web server, serving from /var/www/
  • TravisCI for the automatic deployment when git pushing to specific branches. It pushes to a bare git repo at /var/www/ From there, a post-receive hook checks out the latest code to the html folder.
  • Gulp used for the build and test workflow

1. Create an encrypted private key for travis (on your dev machine)

Install Travis CLI if needed:

gem install travis
travis login

Create the encrypted key and public key in your local repo:

cd ~/Sites/
touch .travis.yml
ssh-keygen -t rsa -N "" -C "" -f travis_rsa
travis encrypt-file travis_rsa --add
rm travis_rsa
cat << copy this for later

2. Setup Travis on the droplet

Create a passwordless travis user on the droplet, setup the generated access key, and give it access to the folder where the website is hosted:

sudo adduser --disabled-password --gecos "" travis
sudo chown -R travis:travis /var/www/
sudo su travis
mkdir ~/.ssh
chmod 700 .ssh
emacs .ssh/authorized_keys
"copy content of previous cat, save, exit"
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys

3. Prepare remote repository on the droplet

sudo su travis
cd /var/www/
mkdir .git
cd .git
git init --bare
cd hooks
emacs post-receive
"copy the content of the hook posted below, save, exit"
chmod +x post-receive

post-receive hook:

git --work-tree=/var/www/ --git-dir=/var/www/ checkout -f

4. Travis config


gulp build

This is where the website is compressed for production. I have written a separate post covering that.

gulp test (extract of gulpfile.js)



This file replaces .gitignore for deploy only and lets the following files to be committed and deployed (files generated by gulp build and normally ignored in the repository):


