Future of Cargo : Intro

Tibo Delor
2 min readApr 20, 2018


From the moment I have started programming in Rust, I started to have this love/hate relationship with the build tools. So far I could tell what I didn’t like but not really why it was this way or how i would make it better. When I refer to “the build tools”, I refer mostly to Cargo, Rustup, the toolchains, the component system and whatever tools you use have to interact to build your project.

This series of articles has three purposes:

1 — Organise my thoughts and come up with a clear vision of both the issues I am having and the potential solutions.

2 — Feedback! I am happy to get challenged, as long as it’s constructive, understand other angles, change my opinion and get corrected whenever I am wrong!

3 — Make that happen. Hopefully, through feedback, I will be able to determine whether I should start writing RFCs, submit PRs, fork everything, drop the whole idea because I was wrong...

Here is what I am planning to write about, which my change as I write…

