Nothing in the world compares to live events.

Meet Ticketfly’s new brand.

3 min readJan 13, 2016


In June 2009, we sold our first ticket. It represented a promise to ourselves and an industry that things could be better. Ticketing software hadn’t changed significantly over the past decade. Venues were setting up events via fax and cobbling together marketing solutions with tons of data falling through the cracks. Fans were still buying tickets from grocery stores and missing shows because they didn’t know their favorite bands were in town. It was a mess. The industry was clamoring for change.

Six years later, Ticketfly is a 170 person family hell-bent on making live events better for everyone. We’re continuing to build software to help promoters put on great shows and make it ridiculously easy for fans to get there. We’re fortunate enough to work with more than 1,200 of the finest venues on the continent and we’re as focused as ever on bringing new ways of thinking to the industry.

Today, we’re unveiling a bold new brand designed to bring everyone we serve closer to the live event experiences they love. The moment the lights go down before a set. The moment you hear the first beat of your favorite song. The moment you realize there’s a second encore. In these timeless moments, there’s nowhere else you’d rather be.

Our new identity represents our passion to preserve that magic, and our aim to give you access to it as quickly and easily as possible. We embodied all of this in our new logo — we call it Flying T. It’s a portal offering a glimpse into another world. A keyhole waiting to be unlocked. And on the other side, the possibilities are limitless.

Starting today, our new look and feel will be woven throughout the entire Ticketfly experience. You’ll see it on, on our digital tickets, and in the tools our partners use to power their events, along with some new stuff we have cooking for you.

Take it for a spin.

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