Game Review: R2DA

4 min readJun 20, 2019

Platform: Roblox

Developer(s): Placerebuilder

Genre: Horror/FPS

The R2DA logo for the 2019 Easter Event.

R2DA History

R2DA has been a long living franchise on Roblox. Starting around 2008 as R2D, the game took major “inspiration” from L4D. It quickly succeeded and went on for a while.

While R2D had some bugs, like this, it was still quite entertaining at the time.

Eventually, after R2D was hacked and lost to time, Placerebuilder came out with R2DA, or “Reason 2 Die Awakening”. This new and improved game looked better, had better weapons, and had AI zombies.

This is where we are now.

The Combat

R2DA is a zombie game. A very, very tough zombie game. Due to the fact that the zombies are players, you can’t run and you can’t hide, as you’ll likely get caught by an Edgar as you looked out that window. So, when you can’t hide, you fight. R2DA starts you with a tutorial that shows you the controls, which allow you to block attacks, kick and punch things, switch weapons and use mounts.

The Edgar, known for it’s abilities with it’s tongue.

The zombies in the game increase the entertainment value. Some have tongues, others explode in nuclear blasts, and some just claw you to death.

Because of this, it’s best to play the game in third person so you can see more of what’s going on and see behind you. Playing in first person will let you easily get caught from behind, resulting in your immediate death.

The Maps

R2DA has some quite beautiful maps. Some are huge cities with all kinds of detailed buildings, which really gives you an apocalyptic vibe. Others are cartoony and silly, and then some take place in just strange places, like on a boat, or in the middle of space.

Blox Harbor, a somewhat controversial R2DA map due to it’s campaign.

The Gamemodes

R2DA has all sorts of modes. The general modes pit zombies against the survivors. Both sides are player-controlled, allowing the gameplay to be much more interesting than if the zombies were NPCs.

In the rescue gamemode, survivors have to hold out until they can be rescued.

Other modes allow the survivors to fight to the death, whether it be through gunplay, use of melee weapons, or, the most entertaining, EXPLOSIVES!!

R2DA has it’s own Gun Game mode. While this isn’t original, it is fun.


R2DA has it’s own events. These are usually around holidays such as Christmas, Halloween and Easter, and there’s also the occasional event for summer. These events allow you to get special prizes such as themed armor, items and weapons, along with mounts, special creatures or vehicles that you can ride. And most importantly…

A poster image for R2DA’s 2018 Christmas event. This brought the sleigh mount, which was highly entertaining until it sadly got nerfed. Now everyone uses the ducky from the Easter Event.


Chronos XI, a full-year R2DA boss.

R2DA has entertaining boss battles where the survivors will team up to fight huge monsters such as a giant clock and a slice of cake. Events will also bring in limited-time event bosses, such as the Winter Yeti, the Easter Duck and the Summer Crab.

EXP and Bucks

The only real problem with R2DA is absurd amounts of grinding. While it’s definitely more bearable than something like Swordburst 2, it’s still very grindy, and will require major dedication. I’ve been playing since off and on since Halloween 2018, and I’m level 23.

Basically, don’t take the game in huge sittings.

And, moreover, don’t purchase bad weapons, such as the Skorpion or M93R. Go for things like shotguns and assault rifles, and your cash will be well spent.


I would give this game about an eight. As game informer would say: “Very good. Innovative, but perhaps not the right choice for everyone. This score indicates there are good things to be had, but arguably so”.

Basically, R2DA is plays good, looks good and is quite enjoyable. But, due to the grind, it may not be everyone’s favorite.

However, if you like zombie games, and you are fine with grinding, and your ok with the fact that the game isn’t too friendly to beginners, what are you waiting for?! Go get them, champ!

All images are from the R2DA Wikia. Check it out here:

