Soap Opera Email Sequence:

Daniel Tieman
4 min readJan 3, 2019


This Soap Opera Email Sequence was written by one man we all know with in the digital markeitng community and his name is Russell Brunson.

The whole point of this Soap Opera Sequence is to do a few things but the first one is allowing the new lead connect instantly with our brand and us personally. Just like a Soap Opera these emails will be filled with Hero who has his ups and downs to finally reach the point of victory. Also just like a Soap Opera these emails will show not only show how awesome our Attractive Character is, but also his flaws.

First things first we are familiar with Soap Operas Right?

Those shows that come on midday or during the evening and every week have us at the edge of our seats wanting more but having to wait till next week? Where we fall in love with the Hero and want to see what happens next? Yes, those are all soap operas.

These emails will be the same way, we will be telling a story of ourselves and our brand, this allows people to connect with us and ultimately fall in love with us and want to buy our products.

So let’s dive in!

(My Example will be a 3 part series instead of all 5 you can always build out a 5 part though!)

Email 1 SET THE STAGE/High Drama:

This is the first email and just like a movie or TV show they cut right to the action scene. Either someone being chased or someone shooting a gun, just something to grab our attention. As well as making a connection and introducing yourself.


“ You don’t feel the same anymore…

I didn’t know what to do anymore I use to be young looking and fit. Pretty much through out my entire life my complexion was great and I always got compliments but as of recently… those stopped.

I was sitting in my room crying, I was bloated, my face was filled with wrinkles, and I had zero confidence. The only thing I could do was try and hide who I was, I would wear bigger clothes and try to hide my face if possible. I didn’t even wanna go out anymore!

Is this how you feel? I finally got through that and this is how, stay tuned for tomorrow’s email to figure out what I did to truly get my confidence back!”

Email 1 was dramatic but entertaining, make sure to make this a real story to really connect with the audience… talk about why you do what you do!

Email 2 The Backstory:

Talk about what you dealt with in life.

“ I was always the good looking person in my classes, at the job every where I went, I always had amazing confidence. I was always fit like I said, I made sure I stayed in great shape and took care of my skin.

But life happened, I had kids, the weight was hard to shed, I couldn’t keep up with them and my body anymore. It was starting to go, it was all starting to go.

I learned that all those advertised products on TV were not as good as they said they were, I tried everything but nothing worked. I did the whole drink this for better skin and to lose weight at the same time… that’s right I’ve had tried what seemed like everything. But then I found something that worked better then any of that, a Medical Spa.

That’s what I want to share with you, tomorrow how I went from feeling gross sitting at home, to a few days later feeling great! Tomorrow I will share with you how I made the leap from average mom to young looking mom… and if you want you can to.”

Email 2 is meant to meet people where they’re at and connect with them!

Email 3 Epiphany:

Yesterday I left you off thinking about how you can go from feeling gross to looking hot… And if you want to do that you NEED to do this too.

I was searching the web for different types of products and that’s when I learned about medical spas, these places will take you from feeling down to feeling confident again in no time.

They have all kinds of services, from injectables to get rid of wrinkles, to weight management, and even get rid of extra hair.

These places can do wonders for you, so if you want to do this for yourself and your body come on in for a FREE Consultation and see what we can do for you!”

On email 3 Expand it much more and have a hard call to action for a direct service, but a free consultation works too.

Here is the short 3 email Soap Opera sequence to get people eager to come in your doors and give you money! For more info check out my youtube channel:

