How to make an Auto Trading system with Telegram and Meta Trader part 1

Tiến Mạnh Bùi
2 min readJun 1, 2022


This article is about creating system auto trading easy use Telegram, Meta trader 4 with RedFox Tools.

System Diagram

Are you a trader? You follow channel signals and you want to use these to open orders to your account? This will be a good document for you

Let’s get started now.

First, We need connect and setup auto forward from any channel signal to your channel

From Telegram open to

Typing /start and select First Connect

Connect to bot Auto Forward

See more at:

After connect to bot success we will start setup auto forward

Use command syntax:


  • SOURCE_CHAT_ID -> The destination chat you want to use the BOT command with. Can be user, bot, channel, group or supergroup.
  • TARGET_CHAT_ID -> The destination chat you want to use the BOT command with. Can be user, bot, channel, group or supergroup.
  • LABEL: Label name that you want to create to control forward actions.

To get SOURCE_CHAT_ID and TARGET_CHAT_ID use command

Typing /getchannel or /getgroup

Here. I will create 2 task forward from two channel signal GET and GO to your channel as

/forward add fw_signals_get 1773775294 ->1610866358

/forward add fw_signals_go 1552660448->1610866358

Create new task success
Create new task success

Now, We will testing auto forward really work

Perfect. That’s it, the auto forward setting is complete

See more about Auto Forward Telegram at:

