Conquering the CV & Cover Letter Challenge: Unveiling Career Insights and Personal Growth

Tien Ning Toh
3 min readNov 3, 2023


Initial Challenges

The process of preparing my CV and cover letter and uploading them to Careers Connect tools initially seemed daunting, primarily due to my limited experience in such formal documentation. I had concerns about the adequacy of my qualifications and experiences, fearing that my CV might appear underwhelming and my cover letter might not effectively convey my strengths to potential employers. However, as I progressed, I realised that my CV turned out better than expected, effectively showcasing my academic journey, experiences, and a glimpse of my personality. This realisation led me to understand that I should have trusted in my capabilities rather than doubting myself. Despite this positive outcome, I encountered challenges in striking the right balance between showcasing my achievements and maintaining a concise, professional format. Additionally, ensuring that my cover letter effectively highlighted my unique attributes and how they aligned with the job requirements posed another hurdle I had to overcome.

Image retrieved from
Image retrieved from

Key takeaways from Careers Connect Tools

When preparing the CV and cover letter, I realised that presenting a holistic picture of my capabilities was crucial in conveying my potential to prospective employers. Therefore, it is important to highlight not just academic achievements but also practical skills and experiences. Upon reviewing the feedback from Careers Connect Tools, I discovered some key areas where I could improve, including adding quantitative figures, using strong and dynamic action words, and avoiding unnecessary pronouns and clichés. This experience taught me that a great CV should strike a balance between being descriptive and concise, effectively showcasing my abilities through compelling action verbs and concrete examples. I also learned that illustrating how my skills and experiences align with the company’s goals and using tangible achievements and outcomes in my cover letter can strengthen my case as a suitable candidate. Figures 1 and 2 show an example of a good CV and a strong cover letter.

Figure 1: Example CV retrieved from
Figure 2: Example Cover Letter retrieved from

Strategic Adaptations for Future Endeavours

Moving forward, I have outlined a strategic blueprint for enhancing my application materials. I plan to prepare my CV and cover letter with a more proactive and organised mindset next time, incorporating powerful action verbs and providing concrete examples to strengthen my narrative. Additionally, I aim to be more succinct by opting for impactful words that effectively convey my achievements and contributions. Simultaneously, I will continue to maintain the structural clarity and concise formatting in my CV by leveraging distinct headings and bullet points to enhance readability. Moreover, expressing my interests and enthusiasm in a formal tone and aligning my acquired skills with the specific job requirements are strategies I will not deviate from in my cover letter because it not only showcases my qualifications, but also my genuine passion for the role. This experience is not just about looking more professional; it’s the spark igniting my journey toward improvement and the pursuit of my aspirations. It has inspired a desire for continuous growth, which I believe will serve as the foundation for my future endeavours.

