What Can You Do With A Finance Degree? (37+ Jobs)

Tier 1 Wall Street
17 min readJul 2, 2019

(Full post as seen on Tier Wall Street here)

So you got a finance degree. Now what?

Most of you are probably wondering: “What can you do with a finance degree?”

Many of those paths lead to dead ends, low pay, boring work, or even trickster roles that have nothing to do with real finance.

I’m going to help you dodge those bullets and properly leverage your finance degree to get the most out of it. Here’s how:

  1. I’ll break down some of the highest paying career paths in finance.
  2. I’ll share my experience to show you exactly how people in your position land Tier 1 jobs.
  3. I’ll teach you how to dodge the Tier 3 jobs you’ll want to avoid like the bubonic plague.

Let’s dive right in

What Can You Do With A Finance Degree? The 3 Tiers

Our finance jobs fall neatly into 3 distinct tiers. It’s super simple:

  • Tier 1
  • Tier 2
  • Tier 3

