A full guide to meditation as if you are dumb as fuck

Tiernan O Toole
2 min readMar 23, 2024


Firstly meditation isn’t about having no thoughts in your brain.

Or, being 100% present with zen like focus, as most people think.

Meditation is the process of getting distracted and bringing your attention back onto the present moment.

Here’s the process:

  1. Start meditating, focusing on your breath
  2. Get distracted
  3. Realise that you got distracted
  4. Bring your attention back onto your breath

And you can think that every time you do this process that is like 1+ rep for the brain and you need to get as much reps as possible.

Meditation is amazing for focusing, willpower, happiness and it makes you more internally aware.

hen you’re meditating don’t listen to some guided breath on medito or something.

Just set a time on your phone, for as long as you want and just try stay focused on your breath and just understand that you will get distracted because of your thoughts and that is a good thing.

So many people quit meditation because they keep getting distracted.

Even tho that’s the POINT.

You can’t just expect to be as focused as a buddhist monk on your first time.

I would say start of small.

Start with even 30 seconds a day, it’s better than just setting it too high and then just quiting because it was too hard.

Then eventually every week add 1 more minute on.

Until your at the point where you meditate for 5–15 minutes.

☑️Actionable step: Start meditating for 30 sec everyday. Then eventually add +1m every week


