What we do here.

TierOne Crypto
2 min readNov 12, 2017


I was just asked a great question by one of our newer members and it’s a good opportunity to talk about what it is we do here…

“I first got into bitcoin as an experiment…started trading on ######.com which has turned into a debacle.
I’ve read through the blog posts on the website….What does membership in T1 entail?”

One of the main reasons we originally created this organization is to analyze and vet (or debunk) these crypto-investment companies. Basically, as a group we’re all safer when we work together. Some of us who have been doing this for a while, and have the extra capital to throw around, have occasionally lost money in the vetting process, but that’s better than a guy with a family who doesn’t have it to lose.

We promote freedom through smart investing. It’s not just about the money. We’re promoting a community of people who see money as a vehicle to do great things, not as the end goal.

Basically T1 works like this; Every member is a sensor. Everyone brings new information into the group, it gets analyzed by people with more experience or specialized skill-sets and then pumped back out to the entire group. It basically becomes a massive mastermind of quality information. On top of that info we built a system of roadmaps down to the gnats-ass detail. You invest this on this day, and you’ll get this on this day. Zero guess work, and minimal risk. The way I make money is the way everyone else makes money; we leverage the massive information flow and make investments that pay an average of 300%-400%. We offer all of our info for free to attract more and more members.

Everyone makes money, everyone wins. -M



TierOne Crypto

We’re a collective of individuals with one mission; Freedom through accelerated profit from the research and development of digital currency and related tech.