FIDO2 Authentication: Newest Biometric Identification Security Standard

Tiffany Silva
3 min readJul 31, 2021


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Introduction to FIDO Authentication

FIDO or Fast Identity Online Authentication is a set of open technical specifications defining user authentication mechanisms to reduce the reliance on passwords. It replaces password-only based authentication with fast and secure authentication techniques across applications.

These specifications/ standards are developed by the FIDO Alliance. For those who are not aware, FIDO Alliance is an industry association which includes various representatives from reputed organizations such as Google, Mozilla, Microsoft and Yubico.

FIDO has three protocols to enable strong and secure authentication,

· Universal Authentication Framework (UAF).

· Universal 2nd Factor (U2F).

· FIDO2 Authentication or WebAuthn.

Some popular applications where FIDO Authentication is used are GitHub, Google Accounts and Twitter.

In this article we are focusing on FIDO2 Authentication where JavaScript elements are used. The use of JavaScript elements allows to leverage the convenience of implementing FIDO based authentication in all W3-compliant browser agents.

Why FIDO Authentication?

Passwords are a headache! Remembering multiple passwords for all online accounts from social accounts to banking accounts is difficult. Although there are password managers, those are vulnerable to attacks and saving our passwords somewhere else is a security risk as well.

A person has over 90 online accounts on various platforms and the same password is used at times. Therefore, using passwords is a worldwide problem becoming the root cause of over 80% of data breaches.

FIDO Authentication is a passwordless authentication technique offered in web and mobile applications for a fast and secure authentication. It eliminates the need to remember multiple passwords or storing passwords in third-party services. Thus, allows to reduce possible data breaches and other security concerns that may arise.

How does FIDO2 Authentication/ WebAuthn works?

FIDO2 Authentication replaces the use of password with public key cryptography. Public key cryptography uses a private key which is a secret on the user’s device and a public key which is stored on the FIDO server. Authentication is completed on the user’s device by signing the server provided challenge.

FIDO2 Authentication is available as a standard web API which is built into W3-compliant browsers. It allows to log into online accounts using devices that supports biometric authentication (fingerprint/ faceID), FIDO security keys and biometric devices.

There are three FIDO2 Authentication options:

· Passwordless Authentication: Makes use of a hardware authenticator whereby replacing the use of passwords.

· Two Factor Authentication: Makes use of a hardware authenticator as a second factor addition to a password.

· Multi-Factor Authentication: Makes use of a hardware authenticator and PIN or biometrics for higher security required in critical scenarios.

Use case for FIDO2 Authentication

FIDO2 Authentication: Registration Flow

FIDO2 Registration Flow

FIDO2 Authentication: Authentication Flow

FIDO2 Authentication Flow

Benefits of FIDO2 Authentication

· Improved usability where there is no need to remember passwords

· High security as FIDO2 Authentication makes use of hardware-based authentication (Public Key Cryptography) providing security against cyber-attacks.

· Replaces shared secrets and multiple password usage with a single security key to all accounts supporting FIDO2 Authentication.

· High flexibility and choice of product due to the Open Standards.


FIDO2 is the newest biometric identification security standard which is a combination of a software protocol and a hardware specification between the W3C and the FIDO Alliance. FIDO2 Authentication Protocol implementation is provided as a Web API where it makes use of a public and private key and Asymmetric cryptography for authentication.

FIDO2 Authentication aims to improve usability, security and replace the use of multiple passwords for various online accounts. Thus, is the go-to solution for secure and user-friendly authentication.

Hope you guys liked my article on the newest, coolest biometric identification security standard available today.

Have you used FIDO2 Authentication for your online accounts? It is high time you do!



Tiffany Silva

Software Engineer. Learning without limits. Sharing is caring!