The Art of Giving Discounts: When and How to Offer Them to Your Customers

Tiffany Richardson
7 min readJul 28, 2023


Hey there! Discounts are like the golden ticket for businesses — they can attract new customers, retain loyal ones, and even increase sales. That’s why it’s essential for businesses to have a solid understanding of how to use discounts effectively.

In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of discounts, including their importance for businesses. We’ll delve into how discounts can be used to drive revenue, increase customer satisfaction, and, ultimately, help businesses thrive. So, if you’re a business owner or just curious about the world of discounts, keep reading!

Discounts can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to achieve various goals. Perhaps the most obvious reason to offer a discount is to attract new customers. By providing a lower price point, businesses can entice potential customers who may have been hesitant to try their product or service at full price. Discounts can help businesses retain existing customers by incentivizing them to continue patronizing.

But when is it appropriate to offer a discount? Generally, discounts are best utilized during slow periods when businesses seek to boost sales. This could be during a seasonal lull or when a demand for a particular product or service dips. Discounts can also be used to incentivize customers to try a new product or service or as a reward for customer loyalty.

So, how exactly can discounts benefit businesses? Well, by offering discounts strategically, businesses can not only increase revenue but also improve customer satisfaction and loyalty. Discounts can create a sense of urgency, prompting customers to act quickly and purchase before the deal expires. Customers who feel they’ve gotten a good deal are more likely to return and even recommend the business to others.

Discounts come in all shapes and sizes; each type serves a unique purpose. Let’s look at some of the most common types of discounts businesses use.

Types of discounts

Percentage discounts

First up, we have percentage discounts. This type of discount takes a percentage off the total price of a product or service. For example, a business may offer a 10% discount on all purchases for a limited time.

Flat-rate discounts

Next, we have flat-rate discounts, offering a set amount off of the total price. For instance, a business might offer $20 off a purchase of $100 or more.

Volume discounts

Volume discounts are another popular type of discount, which rewards customers for buying in bulk. For example, a business might offer a 15% discount on purchases of 10 or more items.

Seasonal discounts

Seasonal discounts are discounts that are tied to specific seasons or holidays. Think of the “Black Friday” or “Cyber Monday” sales in the United States after Thanksgiving.

Loyalty discounts

Loyalty discounts are discounts that reward customers for their continued patronage. For example, a business might offer a 10% discount to customers who have been with them for a certain amount of time or have reached a certain spending threshold.

Bundle discounts

Finally, we have bundle discounts, which offer discounts for purchasing multiple products or services together. For example, a business might offer a discount when a customer buys a laptop and a printer together.

By understanding the different types of discounts available, businesses can choose the best one to achieve their specific goals.

Setting the proper discount amount can make or break a business’s promotional efforts. So, what factors should businesses consider when determining the discount amount?

Setting the discount amount

One crucial factor to consider is the profit margin. Discounts too steep can eat into a business’s profit margin and do more harm than good. Additionally, businesses should consider their target market and how price-sensitive they are. Offering a discount that is too small may not be enough to entice customers, while offering one that is too large may make the business appear cheap or desperate.

Another factor to consider is the competition. Businesses should look at what their competitors are offering and ensure that their discount is at least as attractive, if not more so. When it comes to determining the discount amount, there are a few strategies that businesses can employ. One is to offer a percentage discount based on the profit margin. For example, a business might offer a 20% discount but only on products with a profit margin of 30% or more.

Another strategy is to use tiered discounts, where customers receive a larger discount the more they spend. This can incentivize customers to spend more to get a better deal.

Finally, businesses can use a “buy one, get one” strategy, where customers receive a free product or service with their purchase. This strategy can be particularly effective for businesses with excess inventory or promoting new products.

Ultimately, the key to setting the right discount amount is to balance offering an attractive deal and maintaining a healthy profit margin. Once a business has determined the type and amount of discount to offer, the next step is effectively communicating the deal to customers. Let’s look at some of the best ways to do that.

Communicating discounts to customers

Email marketing campaigns are among the most common ways to communicate discounts. Businesses can send targeted emails to customers who have opted into their mailing list, announcing the discount and providing a code or coupon for use at checkout.

Social media is another powerful tool for announcing discounts. Businesses can post about the discount on their social media channels, encouraging followers to share the news with their own networks. This can help the message reach a wider audience and generate buzz around the promotion.

In-store signage and flyers are also effective ways to announce discounts to customers already in the store. Businesses can use eye-catching designs and clear messaging to ensure the discount stands out. When announcing a discount, it’s important to follow best practices to ensure the message is well-received. This includes making the discount easy to understand, highlighting the deal’s value, and setting clear parameters for the promotion, such as the expiration date.

Finally, transparency is key when it comes to announcing discounts. Businesses should be upfront about the terms and conditions of the discount, including any exclusions or limitations. This helps build trust with customers and ensures they feel confident purchasing. While discounts can be a powerful tool for driving sales, there are also potential drawbacks. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common ones.

Potential drawbacks of discounts

One potential drawback of discounts is that they can negatively impact profit margins. If the discount is too steep, businesses may end up losing money on each sale. Even if the discount is profitable, it may still reduce the overall profit margin of the business.

Another potential issue with discounts is that they can attract bargain hunters who are only interested in the deal and may not become repeat customers. These customers may only be willing to pay a part price for products or services in the future, which can impact long-term revenue for the business. Finally, discounts can diminish the perceived value of a business’s products or services. If discounts are offered too frequently or large, customers may question the quality or value of what the business is offering.

To mitigate these potential drawbacks, businesses should be strategic in their use of discounts. This means carefully considering the discount amount and type and the target audience for the promotion. Additionally, businesses should be transparent about the terms and conditions of the discount to avoid any confusion or frustration among customers.


Businesses can use discounts strategically and thoughtfully to reap the benefits of increased sales without sacrificing their profit margins or long-term brand value. Some key takeaways to keep in mind when offering discounts include considering the type and amount of discount, effectively communicating the promotion to customers, and being transparent about the terms and conditions of the deal. While discounts can be a valuable part of a business’s marketing toolkit, it’s important to remember that they should be used in moderation and in a way that supports the business’s overall goals. Businesses can make the most of this powerful promotional tool by carefully considering the potential benefits and drawbacks of discounts and approaching them with a strategic mindset.

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