7 Non-Partisan Practical Things Christians Can Do To Make A Difference

Tiffany Firebaugh
4 min readOct 9, 2018


  1. Advocate for changing tables in men’s bathrooms in your church.
    This is just practical. If a dad is ever out and about with a child who needs a diaper change, they need a place to be able to change it.
  2. Speak up against voter suppression attempts, and find ways to help elderly, disabled, or those far from polling stations to the polls.
    Just this year in Georgia, there was a plan to close 2/3 of polling places in a majority black county. That plan ultimately failed. But, it is a good reminder that these plans do still exist, and without pushback, could succeed. Beyond that, there are opportunities to make voting easier for those who might not be able to drive themselves to a polling station, need childcare, etc.

    https://carpoolvote.com or partner with a local org. But put safety first!


  3. Advocate for consent education in schools.
    If you don’t live in California, Hawaii, New Jersey, North Carolina, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, or Washington DC, your state does not require mention of consent or sexual assault when teaching sexual education. Even if you don’t believe sex before marriage is permissible from a Christian standpoint, the ability to say “yes” is also the ability to say “no.” Consent is also just as valuable within a marriage, as outside of it. And finally, consent is not just about sex. Consent is essential for everything from a hug to a date to a kiss.



  4. Volunteer to work on the Church Clarity database.
    Church Clarity’s aim is for churches to clearly communicate their policies. This should appeal to all Christians, regardless of your beliefs. Right now Church Clarity scores churches on the following scale: undisclosed, unclear, actively discerning, clear, and verified clear. Currently, Church Clarity scores churches’ clarity on women in leadership and beliefs around inclusion of LGBTQIA people.

  5. Work to clear the rape kit backlog in your area or volunteer with RAINN (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization).
    The rape kit backlog refers to a three pronged problem. First, when rape kits are collected but a detective or prosecutor doesn’t request DNA analysis. Second, when crime labs receive the evidence but don’t test it within 30 days of receipt. And third, a lack of systems for counting or tracking rape kits (tested and untested) and no federal law requiring that kits be tested.

    To find out how to advocate to clear the rape kit backlog, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-N8lMQ9geM&feature=youtu.be

    To find out more about the rape kit backlog problem: http://www.endthebacklog.org/backlog-where-it/accountability-project

    To volunteer with RAINN:
  6. Take a look at your bookshelf, your school reading, or the last ten movies/tv shows you watched & ask yourself — whose voices are missing? Work to rectify that.
    Are there female authors? Old authors? Young? Mexican? Black? Indigenous? Asian, African, South American? Are these voices represented in your books about theology or history? What about your fiction or non-fiction books? Children’s books? If you don’t feel you can devote time to reading right now, ask these same questions about the stars, writers, directors, and filmmakers of the movies/television you watch. *note: I cannot personally vouch for every name on these lists as there are too many to verify.


    - Black theologians: https://thewitnessbcc.com/black-theologians/
    - Female theologians (ancient and modern): https://maggidawn.net/2015/08/11/there-are-no-women-on-my-theology-bookshelf-2/
    - Indigenous authors: https://kaitlincurtice.com/2018/09/06/25-books-by-indigenous-authors-you-should-be-reading/
    - YA books with authors of color: https://www.teenvogue.com/gallery/10-diverse-books-by-ya-authors-of-color-to-read-in-2017#1
    - Sci-Fi and Fantasy by female authors of color: https://www.buzzfeed.com/akpatel462/19-must-read-science-fiction-and-fantasy-novels-by-15qst
    - Mexican and Mexican American authors: https://www.powells.com/post/lists/lets-read-cinco-de-mayo
    - African authors: https://lithub.com/25-new-books-by-african-writers-you-should-read/
    - For young readers (app): https://www.facebook.com/WeReadTooApp/

    - Kim’s Convenience
    - Jane the Virgin
    - Insecure
    - Atlanta
    - Chewing Gum

    MOVIES (limitation: all American)
    - Coco
    - Black Panther
    - Crown Heights
    - Hidden Figures
    - Sorry to Bother You
    - Get Out
    - BlacKkKlansman
    - Crazy Rich Asians
    - Moana
  7. Work to end solitary confinement for juveniles in your state.
    This practice is inhumane, creates lasting negative impact, costs more than the safer alternatives, and is counterproductive to its intent. Currently, only 16 states prohibit or limit juvenile solitary confinement. In my opinion, even limiting juvenile solitary confinement doesn’t go far enough. Find out your state’s policies around solitary confinement for juveniles. Learn about and advocate for safe alternatives to solitary confinement. Talk to your friends. Then call your representative and ask that they make ending solitary confinement for youth a priority. Organize locally.






(source for image in title: free for commercial and personal use, no attribution required. https://www.pexels.com/photo/postit-scrabble-to-do-todo-3299/)

