The Less Intimidating Introduction to Public Health (5 Ways to Learn More)

Tiffany Firebaugh
2 min readJun 26, 2019


Mass Incarceration

Domestically, we are in an era of mass incarceration; as the Vera Institute of Justice reports, the “U.S. prison incarceration rate increased 400% between 1970 and 2000.” The United States currently holds the highest incarceration rate in the world (Prison Policy Initiative). In the United States, not only can children be imprisoned, but juvenile solitary confinement, which has been proven to cause severe social, emotional, cognitive, and physical impacts for life, is still legal in many states (USA Today). Learn more about who is in our prison system.

Maternal Mortality

The United States is the only developed nation in which maternal mortality is rising, and according to the CDC foundation, about 60% of these maternal deaths are preventable (ProPublica). California is the only state in which maternal mortality rates are decreasing, with a 55% decrease in maternal mortality from 2006–2013 (CMQCC).

Drug Prices

Prices of medical care and medication have risen significantly. For example, insulin prices tripled from 2002 to 2013 and then it doubled between 2012 and 2016. Because of these price increases for medically necessary drugs, some have begun trying to ration their supplies, not taking as much as needed in order to save money — putting their lives in danger. Colorado recently became the first state to cap these costs.


According to the NRDC, “nearly one-fourth of Americans’ drinking water comes from untested or contaminated systems.” Currently 82% of New York public schools have lead in at least one of their taps for drinking water that exceeds recommended levels; the majority of states don’t require any testing for lead in school’s drinking water. Communities of color in the United States are more likely to be located near facilities emitting toxic emissions or toxic waste, even after controlling for factors like socioeconomic status (AJPH).

Refugee Crisis

Worldwide, 70.8 million people are currently displaced according to the UNHCR (UNHCR). This number includes refugees, asylum seekers, and internally displaced people. Being displaced is a threat multiplier. With unfamiliar surroundings, food and water become more difficult to attain, education is disrupted, and violence along the road is not uncommon. To learn more about work with these populations looks like, click here.

