Our Own Dark Side

2 min readMar 20, 2020


There is always part of us that we want to forget, that we want to bury inside, and we hope no one will ever find it out. We want to kill that memory. If we can turn back to that spesific time, we will try to prevent it, or worse, we will not even come back. That memory turns into our nightmare. It hurts us, it distract our mind, it gives us trauma. Have you ever think or feel how much it affects your mental health? Having a panic attack only because we accidentally remember it, feeling numb, crying all night long because it just won’t go away. Trust me, I feel you and you are not alone.

We all have our own dark time and our own dark side. Sometimes, we think that we are over reacting to it, we think that if others would not react as bad as us and we are the weird one. But here is the thing, every single person in this world has their own limit, has their own feeling, and no one can ever feel the same as that person. We can only imagine how someone would feel, but in fact, we never know how they really feel. So, respect each other’s limit. It’s okay, we all have our own way to deal with that kind of feeling.

The point is, I wish you will never get stuck in that feeling so that you can move forward. Just a reminder, it will hurt yourself if you stay in the dark for a long time, brave yourself, come forward into the light, start it over. Jia you =)


