5 Reasons You Should Hire A Professional Photographer for Your Next Event

Tiffany Stacey
3 min readJul 6, 2017


You may be on the fence about hiring a photographer for your next event. You or someone on your staff is perfectly capable of handling a camera, so how hard can it be?! I ask you to absolutely reconsider because it’s much harder than it looks. Even if you are capable of working the shutter button on a camera, doesn’t mean you will be able to handle all the things that transpire when photographing an event. Here are a few points on why you should hire a professional photographer for you next event:

You are Free to Focus on Other Aspects of the Event

What a relief to be able to tend to other things during your next event! You don’t have to worry about fumbling around with a camera that you’ve barely used at this point. This is very important to consider because things do not always go as expected and the last thing you should be worried about is getting the next shot. Let your photographer take care of the rest.

Technical knowledge

Certain lenses are used to get the desired look whether it be a close up or a wide shot. This is important to know prior to getting the shot. You should also keep in mind that certain lenses perform better in low light. Lighting is sometimes unpredictable with events especially if the event is held in multiple rooms or outdoors. Having a photographer who knows how to make the necessary adjustments without a second thought is definitely a time and grief saver!

Shot Anticipation

No event is the same, but I like to think most events hit a certain rhythm (if done correctly). As a client you provide your photographer with a list of desired shots, but sometimes you might forget to include a shot or two. For example, a good photographer will understand that every time a new person is at a podium they should be photographed, even if it’s not on the list. A good photographer always expects the unexpected.

A Good Photographer is Engaged & Active

I’ve heard plenty of stories of photographers who didn’t engage with photographing guests and stayed in one spot during the entire event. A photographer who is great with people will help your guests loosen up in front of the camera. He or she will also try to get multiple angles of the event. Sometimes a venue might not offer the space to move around, but if the option exists a photographer should take full advantage of the space and move around!

Professional Photos for Your Marketing Collateral

There is nothing wrong with posting a cell phone photo on Instagram or Facebook about your company’s latest event. Cell phone photos provide a personal touch for viewers, but when it comes to photos you publish in your marketing collateral. Please hire a professional photographer! Not only is the resolution and quality higher, you also show your audience that your company is of quality and has high standards when it comes to its brand. This is especially true with non-profit organizations who are seeking sponsorships. Using high quality images, can make all the difference to potential sponsors and result in reaching better fundraising goals.

This leads me to my final point. I often attend events around the city and one of the determining factors includes viewing past event photos to see if it holds my interest. The photos from your event should make people want to attend and desire to be part of the fun! Or at least give some insight on what to expect from future events.

Remember, your event deserves to be noteworthy! Make sure people know about it!

If you are interested in knowing more about me or my work, please visit tiffanystacey.com.

Or follow me at:

Instagram: tiffyphotog

Facebook: Tiffany Stacey Photography and Video.

