How to maximise a quarter life crisis

Because dissatisfaction and frustration is incredibly motivating

Tiffany Sanya
3 min readJun 16, 2020

Six years ago was a turning point in my life.
I began to question everything and it all started with finding myself in a work environment that progressively became toxic. Waking up in the morning filled me with dread and anxiety, and it felt like I was simply going through the motions.

At the root of the crisis I was experiencing was a deep sense of dissatisfaction and frustration. It signalled to me that something needed to change and looking back, I recognise how pivotal these feelings were because it is incredibly motivating to become sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Re-routing your life to point in a direction that makes sense to you can be daunting at any age! And especially at 24 when you are conflicted by the tension of who you want to become versus what society/parents expect.

What fuelled my courage to try then and still does today is analysing my decisions according to the ‘deathbed test’.
The simple question of ‘what am I likely to regret the most?’ when I reflect on my life during my declining years inspires me to shake off the fears and anxieties of today for the satisfaction of having led a meaningful life.



Tiffany Sanya

Committed to living intentionally. Writing to make sense of it all. Now on Youtube-