Tiffy Diamond
3 min readMay 30, 2018


When you mention Bikini Shoot to someone. They think of Victoria’s Secret or Sports Illustrated. That’s not always the case, you don’t need an elaborate beach set up to get killer swimwear shots.

For this shoot, we used the Sony A7RIII. This camera is new and we loved having a chance to check it out and see if it’s something we want to add to our own equipment. We will do a video on our thoughts using the camera soon. Here our our 5 tips to a successful bikini shoot.


When it comes to location sometimes Beach is ideal but it’s not always necessary. Depending on the client, you might not have the time to get a beach set up like you want. Also, it’s good to consider that Beach shots can be unpredictable and hectic to get going. Sometimes it’s best to get a little creative to give clients a fresh approach to their swimwear line. For our shoot, we used a backyard location with a pool. By moving around furniture we were able to get a green tropical feel behind the model. Always keep at eye on shadows, backgrounds, and spaces that can offer great coverage if shot.


Choosing a model for swimwear, you want to make sure they are confident in their skin. This doesn’t mean that they have to be a certain size. It means that they know that they’ll be modeling bikinis and bathing suits and they’re cool with it. Always let your model know ahead of time what to expect. Also, it’s good to have a warm and inviting set or experience for them to come into. I find for swimwear shoots it’s good to have some sort of female presence on set. This makes the model feel more comfortable posing. Which helps their confidence shine through.


Getting the right angles means doing a few test shots to see what you want. A makeup artist that is familiar with bikini shoots can help give your models have a sunkissed glow. If you can’t afford a makeup artist don’t worry! To get great shots direct your model into poses that feel natural. Give them scenarios and how to react to them. If something is not working, play around with background and unconventional poses. It’s good to stay within the rules of photography but it’s also okay to break them. We say always break the rules a little!


We love shooting in natural light. We’ll always choose it over studio especially when shooting swimwear lines. When working in natural light, golden hours work best. But let’s be real, they don’t always fit into everyone’s schedule. If that’s the case always find spots of shade that give a soft light. Also, shadows are good and can create a moody and more professional editorial look to your shots. So don’t be afraid to use them.


Again, as we mentioned. Don’t let your lack of beach stop you from working with swimwear clients! If you have a style or look you’re going to figure out how you can achieve it within your means. For our shoot we wanted the model to have a slight “hair blowing in the wind,” feel. We didn’t have a wind machine. BUT we did have a blow dryer and an extension cord. That’s what it means to improvise. No one looking at the photo will know the janky improvisation that took place behind the scenes!

Those are our 5 tips on creating great Bikini Shoots. For a more in depth look check out our video that includes behind the scenes of the process:

What are some tips you have for shooting Bikini Shoots? Let us know!

Thank you for Reading!



Tiffy Diamond

LiveArtLove.com | Instagram @Tiffy.Show | Twitter @Tiffy4u. Write articles on photography, camera reviews, dating, and life.