Entrepreneur Spotlight: Liza Glucoft | Producer

Tiffy Diamond
3 min readAug 15, 2017


Cute LA had the chance to interview entrepreneur and producer, Liza Glucoft. A strong woman about her business. She has produced content for popular digital platforms, Who What Wear and POPSUGAR. Boosting an impressive resume. One of her shinning achievements is launching Thrive Market’s video marketing channel to an audience of almost 1 million. Honored to get to know the story behind this producing rockstar!

Read On To Learn More About Liza Glucoft And What It Takes To Become A Digital Producer.

What inspired you to become a producer? What made you want to work in digital media?

I was always a producer without knowing it. In high school and college, I used to write my own plays and produce them. Then my first job out of school was as Coordinator of Production at FX Network. I learned all the ins and outs of TV production. From there, I went to work at Who What Wear which is where I learned my love of digital production. I just love that you can have an idea today and make it tomorrow. TV and film are such longer runways, and there are so many more layers of approvals to get to make something. Digital works more quickly, which is more exciting. There’s more room for possibility, trial, and error.

What separates you from other producers in the field?

I know exactly what I want the episode to look like the second I step onto set. A lot of producers don’t shoot with the final edit in mind.

What were the first steps in launching your career?

Working at Who What Wear was a big turning point for me. That is where I discovered my love of digital content creation. My career took as shift away from TV and film and focused on digital. It’s a medium where you have the opportunity for trial and error and can turn projects around quickly. TV and film have such long runways and there is often much less opportunity to take risks and explore your creativity.

What are the most difficult & most rewarding aspects of your job?

There can be a lot of restraints with budget and resources. There are also a lot of moving pieces to keep straight. It’s most rewarding when you get a thank you note from someone you worked with, someone recommends you for a job, or when you finally ship the episode. There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing something amazing you poured your heart and soul into. And believe it or not, I pour it into everything I do!

What advice do you have for someone wanting to get into this field?

Keep doing. Keep making. You have to create the work. When I left my job at Thrive Market I had no resources. I shot a show on instagram and taught myself how to edit. You have to always be doing, creating and learning.

Anything else you want our readers to know about you?

I’m planning to write a book! I put out two articles recently on PopSugar — “Tips on Finding a New Job” and “How Can I Reach New People?” that were, in a sense, the start of this project. Stay tuned for that in 2018.

Contact me, if you’d like to suggest a kick ass person for Cute LA’s Entrepreneur Spotlight. Thanks for reading!

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Tiffy Diamond

LiveArtLove.com | Instagram @Tiffy.Show | Twitter @Tiffy4u. Write articles on photography, camera reviews, dating, and life.