This article is the third, telling my story about GSoC 2018 experience. At the time of writing, we’re ending the 3rd week of coding. This is how this piece will run;

  • What has been happening?
  • What has been accomplished so far?
  • What is in the WIP (Work In Progress) pool?
  • What’s next?

What has been happening?

So far, I would say my project has been slow due to my academic commitment. I have had lots of support from Terry Hill and Priyanshu Sinha (my mentor). Notwithstanding the academic engagements, I am convinced to make the report generator work. (Checkout my first story to know about the report generator.

STOP!!! Read the SECOND article of my Google Summer of Code 2018 journey before continuing with this piece

What has been accomplished so far?

I’ll add tasks I’ve accomplished from my last story here. These tasks are mostly related to the structure of the tool I’m building together with the framework being used (Laravel).

  • Laravel modules package by Nicolas Widart was added to the Laravel project in order to impose a modular approach of development. I had a little discussion with Nicolas Widart prior to adding this package to LibreHealth repository.
  • The models, migrations and table seeds for the report generator have been added. Seeding doesn’t work now since the data for the draggable components in the generator are somehow too specific. However, Priyanshu and me are looking forward to making it work.
  • These draggable components that have been populated in the database are now visible in the report generator view. Of course, they’re now draggable and droppable. The ‘dropbox’ indicates the name of the dropped component once it’s dropped.

What is in the WIP pool?

Currently, the different dropped components have to be stored in an array and sent to the Laravel controller. In the controller, formatting is done and each draggable component has notes which indicate the table and columns that it’s tied to. In addition to this, the controller has to retrieve the corresponding data and send to the view.

What’s next?

Now, there’s a need to make provision for WHERE and ORDER BY clauses. This has to be intuitive, and the end user shouldn’t notice what is happening. So the next step will be to enable users filter report data with the aforementioned clauses. How these will be presented is still to be determined by Terry, Pri, Art and me. For now, I think we’ll follow the same filters that exists in the current static reports in the system.

The first evaluation is set to open today (June 11th) at 16:00UTC. Important mentioning that GSoC and Open source are great experiences that everyone should try. LibreHealth is an amazing community too. Now, imagine being involved in open source and GSoC at LibreHealth, AMAZING right?

Are you new to open source??? Even if you’re old Open source contributor, why not join LibreHealth, and start writing code to save lives!

Do you still want reasons to join an open source community??? Find them here.

Thank you for reading!

READ the FOURTH PART of my Google Summer of Code 2018 journey.



Tigpezeghe Rodrige

FullStack Web Developer (Ruby, Rails, PHP, Laravel, React).