Wheels up

100 days
2 min readAug 29, 2020


A bit about me

I’m 33, recently moved to a new country, and handed in my resignation letter right before the start of the pandemic. What I have is a ticking biological clock, a shrinking emergency fund, and a strong conviction to do work that brings me joy and serves others. What I don’t have is a backup plan.

Why this project

The idea of following my conviction during an economic recession without a backup plan freaks me out. To do it openly makes it no less scary, but it also makes it harder to bail out. On top of that, I have a sense I’m not alone in this situation. If that’s true, I hope to create some camaraderie with fellow job seekers or at least offer an unglossy peephole into this social experiment.

Obviously, my wish is to succeed. My second wish is that through this journey, I get to know myself a bit better and step into my own agency a bit more.

And why 100 days? I’ve always wanted to do a 100 days creative project (Parkinson’s law, etc.). It also comes in handy when the emergency fund I’m living off from will only reach that far.

Wheels up

This is a quest, meaning it’s unclear how the path ahead looks like and where I’ll end up (not finding my work and being broke is an option), and the unknown makes me uncomfortable. My coping mechanism is to turn what’s vague into tangible actions that I can check of, a list of challenges in other words:

Now, let’s get to work.

GIF made by me, inspired by Mind Melody’s bunny.

