Walking With God
3 min readJan 1, 2023

Genesis 1 - 3

The story of Creation.

One thing that's evident in the story of creation is that when God spoke things into existence and He saw/envisioned that it was good.
His word was followed by a vision of the very thing that he spoke.

I am especially intrigued by the aspect of time.

The first day - light was created,
on the second day - the sky was created,
on the third day - dry land, seas, plants, and trees were created,
on the fourth day - the Sun, Moon, and stars were created,
the fifth day - creatures that live in the sea and creatures that fly were created,
the sixth day - animals that live on the land and finally humans, made in the image of God were created,
by day seven - God finished his work of creation and rested, making the seventh day a special holy day.

Did all creation manifest in 6 natural literal days as told in the story?

My thoughts on this are that God is a spirit and therefore operates in the spirit.
In the spirit realm you can create something just by thinking about it and the more you think about it the higher it's chances of manifesting.
I believe that is where the concept of 
"as a man thinketh so is he" 
comes from which also feeds into the law of attraction which states that whatever you focus your energy on will come back to you…

The natural laws are different. 
The book of Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 talks about the aspect of times and seasons..

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. A time to be born and a time to die…

That means time in the spirit is not the same as time in the natural. It takes 9 months for a baby to fully grow in the womb of a woman. It takes about 3 months for a maize plant to grow from seed to a comb.

The lord spoke the earth into existence and it was, but it must have taken years to fully manifest in the natural.

In context when your vision/purpose is revealed to you by the Spirit it could mean all things pertaining to this vision have been made and you have within you all you need to manifest this thing.

To be able to manifest you have to put in the time and work.
Be aware of the seasons in your life and what you must do in each in order to manifest in the natural that that is already set in stone in the spirit.

We were made in the likeness of God. We are his image.
what he is so are we.

That means there is power in our tongues and imagination.
Just like He said; "let there be light" and it was you can say "let there be wisdom" and it will be.

The trick is learning how to manifest what is true in the spirit into the natural realm. (your home work)

Part 2

God created man from dust and breathed life into him, later on he foams a woman from the rib of the man to be his helpmate

Before the woman came along God saw that it was not good for man to be alone…

Man was built for relationships.
We cannot exist wholly out of that.

The world glorifies the "loner" lifestyle as cool people things. there is a time for solitude and its good but why would you choose to be alone when you can have a friend?
Think about it?

Think about three things today; purpose, time and the quality of relationships you have.

Walking With God
Walking With God

Written by Walking With God

Going through the Bible in 365 days sharing experiences & revelations as led as of 1st Jan 2023.

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