“Yeonmi Park: The North Korean Girl Who Escaped to Freedom” — Tilak R. Shetty

Tilak R. Shetty
4 min readJul 23, 2023


In a world filled with countless tales of courage and resilience, one story stands out like a beacon of hope, touching hearts and inspiring millions. This is the remarkable story of Yeonmi Park, a North Korean defector whose journey from oppression to freedom is nothing short of a modern-day epic. Her life’s trials and triumphs are a testament to the indomitable human spirit and the unyielding pursuit of liberty. Join me as we delve into the captivating life of Yeonmi Park and discover the power of her unwavering determination.

A fierce portrait image of Yeonmi Park

Childhood in the Hermit Kingdom: Born in the heart of North Korea in 1993, Yeonmi Park’s life began amidst extreme poverty and government control. As a child, she witnessed the devastating consequences of living under a brutal regime, where famine, censorship, and fear ruled the day. Her family struggled to survive, and their faith in the regime was gradually eroded by the harsh reality of their circumstances. These early experiences planted the seeds of defiance in Yeonmi’s heart, fueling her desire for freedom.

Yeonmi Park (Left) & her older sister Eunmi (Right)

Escape to Freedom: In 2007, when Yeonmi was just 13 years old, she and her mother embarked on a treacherous journey across the freezing Yalu River into China, seeking a better life. Their escape, however, was far from easy, and they faced unimaginable dangers and hardships along the way. From human traffickers to harsh living conditions, their ordeal was nothing short of a nightmare. But they persevered, their determination unbroken, driven by the dream of freedom that shone brighter than any obstacle.

Yeonmi Park with her Older Sister & Mother

Darkness and Redemption: Once in China, Yeonmi’s life took a dark turn as she and her mother fell into the clutches of human traffickers. Sold into slavery, Yeonmi’s fight for survival reached its peak as she endured unimaginable abuse and exploitation. Her spirit, though severely tested, remained resolute, and she clung to the hope that she would one day taste true freedom.

A Ray of Hope: In a twist of fate, Yeonmi and her mother managed to escape their captors, making their way to Mongolia, where they sought asylum at the South Korean embassy. This marked the turning point in their journey, as they finally found safety and the promise of a new life. But their struggles were far from over, as assimilating into a new culture presented its own challenges.

Constant Death Threats despite Freedom from North Korea…

Becoming a Voice for the Voiceless: Yeonmi Park’s extraordinary journey did not end with her escape from North Korea. Instead, it marked the beginning of a new mission — to shed light on the plight of her people and advocate for their freedom. Her powerful speeches at international conferences and impassioned interviews with media outlets have drawn attention to the human rights abuses in North Korea, catapulting her into the global spotlight. She has spoken at the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, and the TED Talk. She has also written books about her experiences, titled “In Order to Live: A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom in 2015” & “While Time Remains: A North Korean Defector’s Search for Freedom in America in 2023”.

Yeonmi Park’s Speech at the One Young World Summit in Dublin

Overcoming Adversity: Despite facing criticism, threats, and attempts to discredit her story, Yeonmi Park has remained steadfast in her pursuit of truth and justice. Her resilience in the face of adversity has earned her admirers worldwide, and her bravery has become a symbol of hope for countless individuals who yearn for a world free from oppression.

Park’s speech which was held at Roanoke College in Virginia, was hosted by Young America’s Foundation.

Lastly, the extraordinary life of Yeonmi Park serves as a profound reminder of the strength of the human spirit and the lengths people will go to secure their freedom. From the depths of despair to the heights of global advocacy, Yeonmi’s journey continues to inspire and captivate audiences across the world. Her story is a testament to the power of perseverance, the value of liberty, and the indomitable will of the human soul. As we reflect on Yeonmi Park’s life, let us remember that even in the darkest of times, the human spirit can shine with an unwavering light, guiding us towards a better, more compassionate world.



Tilak R. Shetty

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