Published inTilcoinSmart contract-based provenanceWithin the framework of the TILWIKI information platform, we create a public decentralized register of artworks and galleries. The…Jan 9, 2020Jan 9, 2020
Published inTilcoinWe are launched the alpha version of TilWiki platform!TilWiki is a kind of encyclopedia, which already contains data on museums and galleries (public and private) from 199 countries! The base…Jan 8, 2020Jan 8, 2020
Published inTilcoinThe interaction of art and modern technologiesThe project TILCOIN digitized art while preserving its artistic, cultural, and financial value.Jan 7, 2020Jan 7, 2020
Published inTilcoinTokenomicsTILCOIN is developing a unique token model to ensure efficient and successful operation of the platform. Utility token TLC is a loyalty…Jan 6, 2020Jan 6, 2020
Published inTilcoinAll necessary information in one placeWithin the single platform, we open the access to full-fledged education, information, and investment services. TILCOIN unites everyone…Jan 4, 2020Jan 4, 2020
Published inTilcoinCommunity of partners and fellowthinkers in the world of artTILCOIN regularly organizes educational meetings and seminars for art fans. Intellectual club TLC is a community of partners and…Jan 3, 2020Jan 3, 2020
Published inTilcoinHow is it possible to make money on a fragment of seriography in TILCOIN project?Within the frameworks of our project, we have created our own analogue of the exchange, where everyone can either buy a piece of art that…Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
Published inTilcoinTILCOIN is an innovative project that launched the process of transforming the art market back in…TILCOIN is an innovative project that launched the process of transforming the art market back in 2018. Now you can plunge into the world…Dec 30, 2019Dec 30, 2019
Published inTilcoinThe art and antiques marketThe art and antiques market is an amazing combination of conservative values and the ability to save and accumulate your own capital! And…Dec 29, 2019Dec 29, 2019